For me that would be tricky unless im not at work. I'm a teacher so I'm usually v busy during the day and don't feel like eating, which means i need to eat more in the eve. So I tend to eat quite a lot in the eve and prefer it that way. I also find I sleep better on a full stomach. I don't tend to eat after 9 coz I go to bed around ten / ten thirty.
But it's personal preference. Let your hunger be your guide. When does it suit you to eat? Do you get hungry after your work out?
I don't think, from what I've read, eating before you sleep is only a problem if you eat lots of carbs because of insulin levels.
The Myth: Eating after 8 p.m. prompts weight gain.
The Truth: No need to feel bad about those late night snacks! In reality, your body has no idea what the clock reads, so you're ability to metabolize food will be no different whether you're sitting down for dinner at 6 p.m. or 10 p.m. What is more important when dining late at night, however, is to eat healthy foods - including lean meats, healthy fats, and plenty of veggies - both to ease digestion and best fuel your body for restorative sleep!
Read more:
Net gains in fat are due to an overabundance of nutrients (calories/energy) over an extended period time. It's not 12 hours, it's not 24 hours. There is no exact timeframe. How long it takes for you to gain fat is dependant on many factors. If you overeat breakfast by 3500 calories you will not gain a pound of fat by the end of the day. It just doesn't work like that."
And there's loads more out there on this subject.
There's a lot of disagreement about what to eat post workout, some say if your goal is fat loss, you don't need to eat a specific post workout meal, just eat again when hungry. Others say this is a window to eat more carbs (fruit or starchy tubers) - robb wolf talks a bit about this on his blog. Others say to build muscle, add protein (lean gains advise this).
Personally, I sometimes eat a banana before I run but it's mainly psychological. What affects me most is how much I've eaten that day rather than eating carbs - if I've skipped lunch my run tends not to feel as good.
Afterwards, I just eat my normal meal when I planned it, even if its late. If I had a 7pm workout class, id snack before and eat my dinner after and not care about time. But you may prefer to eat more during the day and only have a handful of nuts or sthg after.
Have a play and see which works best for you.
Hope this helps! Good luck!