Really interesting idea on cheat meals/splurges. I definitely think one meal is doable - but do think it's worth incorporating as part of the n=1 experiment. Examples of how i try to do this mindfully:
A few months ago i tested a pizza express pizza (first for a year). First of all - wasn't as good as i remember, then stomach ache, then starving for two days and then dreadful skin breakout - will i bother again - no thanks!
Then wanted to test white rice - so had sushi (my previous favourite). Again tasted ok instead of great - filled up fast, tummy ache and 2/3 days of loo problems - again will stick to sashimi next time.
Recently had an eton mess at friends with some sugar in mereinge - no real issues except being starving for 2 days!
Tasted friends creme brulee after dinner the other night and was completely unable to stop. Interesting to find an unexpected trigger food!
So I guess that the way i see it - really decide what i want to try, see what happens and incorporate info into rest of life
So much fun listening to our bodies and learning to hear what they say

Have a great sunday