Priya CD SS journey

HEyaa its gotton bit better but i still find myself running to the bathroom and i sit there for ages.

Will see how i feel tmorow but if not then for sure will go back friday as i would much rather go back fully recovered rather then run to the looo every two minutes and sitting there for ages will impact my call log time so would much rather recover.

Bf said not to talk about but just to get on with it so thats what i will do that from now on x

Im not blaming bf at all but since i got with him i did start eating out more n moving to manchester got comfy suppose and what not reli bad. Its shocking how much iv gained in two years.

Bf wants to take me clothes shopping so that will push me for motivation as well.

Once this weekend is over will feel better knowing that second week will be a new start second week of my journey i think this week has felt slow coz of the heat etc.

Well done on ur tummy i dont think its wishful thinking u probably have :).

This is such a personal journey to me this time round im 28 years old two years before the big 30 so reli want to be better by then.

I also want to go on a nice holiday to in the next year as this year dont think will happen in time due to lack of money and my size.

Im still trying to think of ways to earn money i cant get over how hard it is to get bit of extra cash on the side :s i see quite a few ppl that have more then one job :s x
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This weekend once feeling better will be uploading a one or two videos for my youtube channel fallen behind a little bit gosh editing is sometimes so long winded but this weekend will be back on it x
Morning Kezza and everyone,

On day 9, I kinda feel I've gotten into the swing of things, my water intake is higher than my CC says it should be, but that's the heatwave for you.

I've been managing my products well, having the last one a bar around 10pm. I'm in ketosis as have checked every other day with a ketostix.

Funnily enough have taken a page from
Priya's book, thanks for the reminder Priya, I've been watching YouTube videos on CWP stories. Watching how when you stick to plan % that you can lose some serious weight.

They focus a lot on having your mind in the zone, as Nike says "Just do it". I'm trying to psyche and condition myself mentally this is part of my daily life and try not to over obsess about it.

It's now part of my life and daily life am not thinking for how long just thinking it's is and will move forward in this mental space.

Those vids are inspiring. There are so many with women just like us who have had enough and are taking the bull by the horns and changing their lives for the better.

Crikey, sounds like an preaching but have been watching vids for last hours and they have me psyched lol

How's every one?

Heyaa every one day 6 and finally finally the scales have moved after threee days of being stuck not moved by a lot but moved neverthelesss and i swear down never been so scared to stand on the scales as was this morning.

Still got cystitis lingering this time round its come on really strong was in tears when rang up work to tell them couldnt come in today coz genuinely feel bad for missing woor but my pain threshold is rubbish n the pain is horrid when i do go to the toilet fingers crossed tmorow will be bettr.

Official weigh in saturday scared tmorow if feeling better to go in to work tmoorow will be drinking water thruou the day as dont wantcystitis to come back again thjnk as was fasting n what not may have been lack of water throughout the day thats brough this on so defo not risking it again x

Would love if the scaels moved down one more lb but either way will be happy x
lol they'll probably go down by 2 lbs last couple of days are fat melt days lol :):)

Well done re staying on track. Am sorry you're still suffering if it was a severe bout maybe a trip to docs or get another pack of meds..

well done for your losses. Your WI tomorrow yay you'll be pleasantly surprised

Mine is on saturday hun as thats the only day she can do for me wich im ok with as prefer morning weigh ins rather then afternoon or evening ones i reli hope so hun anything to help keep me going xx
Hi SummerChic

Glad your in the swing of things, im on day 13 now and feeling good, ive also been watching the videos on youtube, wow they are amazing, the one that stood out to me was graciemariesjourney that girl is seriously slim now and i just keep tooking at her photos and videos, it does the trick and motivates me.

Im weighing tomorrow night and feeling nervous about it already, i really hope its a good one :)

Im going to ask my CC when i am able to start excercising, not that i want to, i hate all excercising but im really worried about saggy skin after weight loss.
Has anyone got any tips on how to keep my skin from looking like a deflated balloon?
Heya kezza well done on day 13 omg i am well excited to get to that point :).

Exerciisng just remember if u do start can sometimes effect on ur scales due to water retention etc one of the main reasosn i stopped working out at the gym and stuck to walkig instead x
I have had my second pack of the day veg soup reli hope it doesnt stall my losses think for the next three shakes though will be sticking to shakes coz its too much stress lol will just need to suck it up and get on with it.

Will get choc tetras
Choc mint
Choc orange
Might try the key lime
A few of the smoothies
Just stick to liquids to try n get the first bulk off me :/ goig to try and drown myself with 4.5 litess of water today last pack will be a shake another choc tetra think xx

Any other recommendations ladies?

Only had a soup today coz didnt have nuf shakes to last me till saturday weigh day.

But saturday will get enuf shakes to last me till next saturaya n then next saturday will be getting two weeks worth of shakes as that is when will be my next weigh in will stick to plan even when going home for the weekends not taking no risks no chances need to lose lose lose faster then slower.

Tmoro will be all shakes and 4.5 lites of water in the hope that i see on the scales 13.10 hopefully xx
My consutlant hasnt messaged me at all in the past two days and she should know the first week is alwyas the hardest week so not overly hapy about that tbh but have messaged her sayig on saturdya to let me know how much it is for seven days worth of packs of just shakes and wwait til i see her next satturday wil have been paid by then too and wil be able to pay the two weeks worth of products x
Hi guys,

How are you all doing? Day 20 and it's been such a hectic day I've struggled to get in extra water... had the case of the bad breath lol as I hadn't had a drink in two hours killed me!
My third weigh in tomorrow and then I'm out with work on a night out, going to an Italian where all my favourite food will be which I'm really nervous about. Looked at the menu and tbh it's not at all healthy but we shall see... I don't want to drink alcohol but I maybe swagged to have one. Going to talk through options with my consultant and also about trying some mix a moose still want to stay on just shakes. I'm sadly just a mint chocolate girl and premade chocolate cartons are
My newest addiction. My boss commented on how glowing I am and not as tired anymore as I used to be and said I still look fresh after being at work for 9 hours Which was lovely to hear as I didn't feel like it. How's everyone? I'm hoping for a 6 pound loss but I don't think that's happened I just think maybe another 3 pound if I'm lucky. X


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Hi summer chic let
Me know how u get on ... I'm on weigh in tomorrow at 2pm il keep you posted x QUOTE="kezzakat1976, post: 7980102, member: 145797"]Hi SummerChic

Glad your in the swing of things, im on day 13 now and feeling good, ive also been watching the videos on youtube, wow they are amazing, the one that stood out to me was graciemariesjourney that girl is seriously slim now and i just keep tooking at her photos and videos, it does the trick and motivates me.

Im weighing tomorrow night and feeling nervous about it already, i really hope its a good one :)

Im going to ask my CC when i am able to start excercising, not that i want to, i hate all excercising but im really worried about saggy skin after weight loss.
Has anyone got any tips on how to keep my skin from looking like a deflated balloon?[/QUOTE]
Hi Guys,

How have you been today, Kezza that's amazeballs your at your 2 week WI soon... you go and the vids are brill will lookout for Mariegrace Lucyann found
The same one too but they're all inspiring, thanks Priya for the tip. And Priya is right about the exercise, keep minimum impact like walking only until much later on in the plan.

And Lucyann the body will shrink and breakdown the blood cells in due time so hopefully their won't be too much od any sag at all. But bio oil can be used to limit any stretch marks that may occur.

And Priya, forgot your weigh in was Saturday. Can we assume your daily weigh in is making you feel better, I'm too scared to look until next weigh in. Will just take what I get on the day. But sticking with it, my tummy isn't pushing into my lungs when I sit down, I couldn't even bend down without it practically hitting my face, but can manage it now without almost knocking myself out. Lol

Your determination is screaming at me so very happy for you.

for you Priya xx

Lucyann, how nice you had a lovely compliment from your boss, that def is something to cheer about, you and Kezza are on the same YouTube vids, why didn't I see that, will hunt it down. Oh please let us know your after your WI. 3 weeks ⭐⭐⭐️ Youre our superstar. Whatever you get Lucyann your going in the right direction that's what counts this is a journey and we're in this together for the long run. So don't be nervous unless it's nervous excitement. We have all got this.
We will lose at a much more rapid rate but we also need to condition ourselves for after now. We've been here for years and in months we will be looking at more Mariegraces in our own mirrors

Good luck tomorrow Lucyann

here's to another great day for us all

Priya ... not the key lime... don't say you weren't warned...

They've gotten rid of mango, only old stock left apparently ... they need to get that flavour back !! Humphf ....
Lol hey guys check out dual dynamics on utube thier cambridge success stories are amazing.

Yeah my official weigh in is on saturday i just stand on them daily for peace of mind or something those lines even tho it leave me panicking.

I think the thing with soups even tho r approved on the diet i just dont do very well with salt and as much as the consultant says no pack shud make a diff i think it does yesterday weighed one thing n this morning weigh a pound more and had three shakes the day before n today will be just three shakes and four litres of water but reli do think shakes do play a part not sure how but yeah in either making me gain or stall.

So to be on the safe side and not confuse me will be taking a leaf out of lucy anns book and just sticking to three shakes and 4 litres of water for the next few weeks.

Will do daily counts and weekly numbers to help keep me on track as day 30 sounds much more impressive then week 4 lmao.

Yesterday bf came round he had wings n fries i am proud to said no to it and went in for a shower while he ate.

A few times he tried to tempt me saying do i want fruit or anytjign alognthose lines i said no.

He is proud of me but now i am even more determined to shrink as bludy nora no way am i going to have him thinking so i say no to eating with him and that im supposedly on these shakes but she isnt shrinking at all.

Nu uh.

No matter what happens tmorow will stick it out as said going to give it 8 weeks at least to see if any diff is being made phsyicaly.

Want these love handles gone n curves back.

Yestersy literally rang work in tesrs coz was in pain but also felt bad in missing work due to being ill.

Going back today as feeling better wil probz have tons to catch up on so next week will probz be getting to work for 7 rather then 8am to try n catch up on some of my emails thank God next week is a 4.30 finish too.

2 weeks from monday and 2 days left till i have a few days booked n then another week booked off 24th till 31st july reli hopig there will be a diff of some sort by then.

Its so hard the first few days or few weeks shud i say when ur dying to see urself shrink visible results and much lwoer numebrs on the scales then what u r now the impatience is intense.

Next saturday wil be day 14 if i keep telling myself that will feel like havebene on plan for ages then to try n help me feel better.

This is the furthest i have come in a long time usually i am so quick to say will eat today one last time n do plan from tomorrow onwards.

Really hope my determination in resisting pays off by day 30 or else will be dumb founded.

So heres hoping will see my consultant on day 14 then wont see her again till day 30 dont think coz wont see her in the wekend in between so day 21 as will be back home
That weekend.

Wel done evryone so far and lucy ann congrats on the compliment they do go a long way :) and summer chic ur totally in the zone well done and thanku for ur words of advice we r all doimg so well though we are at diff points days in our journeys.

So just have to stay strong hopefully x
Trying to imagine whst i may look like at 11 stone even and for the life of i cant as its been that long since i was small i cant remmeber what weight i was at what size x :( thats when u know iv left it so long to lose this x lol

Liking that positivity am glad you're feeling better. Yup saw those vids you mentioned they're are a consultants made ones with his clients.

He sounds like a pretty darn good consultant.. other consultants take note. Actually I've realised mine doesn't contact me unless I contact her... hmm whereas the one who was always pushing products and charging an absolute fortune, her mark ups were crazy and she was charging me £5.00 per visit. Which she failed to ever mention until I insisted on a cost breakdown and I was being charged £75 plus per week for my 4 products wtf.. I dropped her immediately stopped the diet as wasn't that committed at the time... and found new lady. A straight £65 for any product I want including tetra packs.
The original rip off one still sends group messages with messages also gets other reps success stories and sends out.

She's good at texting but don't think that justifies having to pay so much extra.. hmm..

Anyway I digressed, Priya well done loving your attitude as what will we do without you onthe forum. I know I'd be lost

So you must stay btw any luck on job hunting, have you tried local supermarkets etc don't they always have evening and weekend jobs, try them all, co op's, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Marks, Waitrose, Asda - then all pubs too, student bars etc...

Try all the chain stores and also the takeout only places like Pizza Hut delivery and dominoes and papa johns .. not ideal with food temptations but hopefully you'll be too busy and you can quit if it gets too much... supermarkets the best am sure you get discounts at them.

Happy day 8 it's getting to be norm daily life.. woop woop ❤️❤️❤️

Heyaa hun thanku yeah not having much luck at all on the job hunting front pizza hut i didnt even hear back after filling out the online form, which included a online test n everything, handed cv into subway, nandos, barburrito not heard anything back and also tried las igunas got a straght rejection based on thm having other candidates with more skillset n what not then me wich i dont understand realy as i have had over 8 years of experience of constantly beignin employemnt :s so not sure what they want reli.

Bf has said i can maybe help him out here n there n he doenst mind paying me bit here n there for helping him on like the odd weekends.

Dont mind but wont be consistent thats all. Asda did check they not recruiting atm.

Dessert place that i went to for a interview ten days ago i thought it was reli positive he emailed me the day i applied for the role n he asked me to go in the next day wich was a monday so i thought me being available at such short notice would be a good selling point.

He seemed to like my answes i even volunteered to do flyering for him as his business isnt even open yet.

Was there for a full 40 minute interview saw in a place where work was going on.

Even went to primark on the day of the imterview to buy tights and a shirt as nothing fitted me n still not heard back even tho did a follow email on the monday thsts fone making sure my details r correct.

Bit gutted reli as thought that would be a good option as a new business :( hey ho and i dont have his numebr just his email address but dont want to seem desperate by emailing him again but do think its harsh seen as we discussed uniform sizes and everything he even said he loved my energy so not too sure what went wrong there.


He even said if i did get the job i could do at wokr training coz he knew about the day job not like i lied about it and didnt tel him.

I dont know what employers look for in candidstes i reli dont at times.
Ladies i was thinking maybe i could start doing little things like personalised penny jars or weight loss motivational count downs or baby birth countdowns to sell maybe possibly on ebay what you think?

Im tryinn to get my creative juices flowing even if start off small as the more i think about the more i want to so somethign creative n not just rely on my day wage.

Something that i can maybe do in my spare time as a hobby more then a part time job.

Im doing my youtube channel as a hobby notgot many followers on there yet but then again it is a fairly new channel.

And i know right i think dual dynamics r amazing as they keep u accountable by doing vids of u and also do a fashion shoot later which i think is a fantastic confident boost to the new weight and size :)

Jus tthinking out loud here ladies x
