Priya CD SS journey

My old one said to me if i lose enuf then i can maybe apply to be one n yea it is a good idea but felt like it was to help grow her team more then anything.

I dont know i might become one in the future so would nevr say nevr as would want to help others if i can.

But i dont drive so that would make it dififcult lol to do so so maybe not anytime sooon.

Tmorow will be day 6 so excited to be on weigh day might not mention that i weigh daily to consultant as that might be frownedupon haha but might tell her after the first week or two.

I have a good feeling about it reli do but just a timy bit of my brain telling me otherwise but will ignore that haha and continue on with this :) no matter how hard it gets iv wasted enuf time already dont want to waste anymore and have already berated myself enuf saying why didnt i start sooner or when ramadan started as would have been on week three by now if did.

But now onto the future xx
You look gorgeous in those pics, but i know what your saying about feeling stuffy.

I agreed im worried about maintaining i dont want to have buy shakes for the rest of my life, once i reach goal i think ill have to go on to something like the 5:2 to keep the weight down, mind you thats a ong way off right now.

I just want to be able to buy clothes from a normal store and not have to realy on plus size online retailers, also if i could drop a few sizes from my bust i might be able to pick up cheap bras instead of paying £20 plus for a basic hammock lol

The pic attached is me on my wedding day in September last year and i feel look like a beach ball x


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Kezza no u dont u look lovely ur dresss is beautiful :).

But its easiee to see our own flaws suppose in our own eyes. We can do this no doubt about it.

I am hoping for the best n yeah 5/2 as much as ppl say its not sustainable it reli is as its just two days where u have to count n the rest of the days so lon gas ur not having take awayds evry day u can lead what i loook at is as a normal life x
thank you, im glad to hear that the 5:2 works for you, one of the ladies i work with, who is super slim, swears by 5:2 and has been doing it for about 7 years, so proof that it does work and is maintainable over the long term.

I know its ages away but i cant wait to get my life back to normal and eat some nice food again and indulge in a glass or two of wine at the weekends, ive just got to keep my focus and im sure i can do this with the support from all of you lovely ladies on here.

Good luck with your weigh in you have done a great job so far and i really hope the scales reflect that for you, be sure to keep us updated x
I defo will though saturday feels soo far away right about now.

The other reason as to why i want visual results is coz i dont want ppl ie bf or family thinking i said im on a diet just liquids but its clearly not wokring n she is porbz cheatig when she is alone thats also one of my biggest fear stupid i know but there it is and even tho im doing it for myself i just want it to be fiamlly noticeable n to prove that i can be accountable for my weight loss n it can be fone x all bymysslf
yes that is me too, my husband actually said last night while i sat down to eat my soup "im quite impressed you have stuck to this so far, i expeceted you to have given up already" which is what i expect most people will think going on my past dieting history.

I know these thing take time but i really have no patience if im going to this extreme i want to be able to see a difference in weeks not months otherwise i might as well have been doing WW or something, this diet is not cheap but ive heard it is really effective so hopefully i will start to see the results in my clothes soon, if not i dont know what ill do x
Yeah i am exacctly the same as u hun but what we shud do is do a 30 day challenge n if we manage that we can analyse at that point n then add another 30 days on?

And we shud check in evryday :) to keep us accountable :) and we can moan as much as want so long as we help each other stick it out :) x
Bf has always said to me i do well but then i fall off the wagon wich i suppose is his way of motivating me n its true i lose bit then fall off no idea why n think its mainly due to the lack of physical loss maybe so in my head im like urgh whats the point or whatevr i remmebr rom 5/2 i told my work mate i lost 2 stone he look of skeptisim said it all to me reli :/ wich left me utterly devestated u know the look that said two stone reli? From
Where? Lol laugh about it now but wow that ran deep for sure x
people can hurt you with silly comments like that and they are the ones you remember the most when your at your lowest.... setting at 30 day goal is a great idea ... i wont be able to check in on weekends as i have no internet connection at home at the mo (one of the joys of living the the middle of the country) so have the check in from the work PC, thakfully its really quiet here are the mo lol ... so in 30 days i would like to have dropped a stone so my weight will be 14st 10lbs and want to be in a size 16-18 rather than the 18-20 i am at the mo x
Awww ok thats fine hun :) for me is the following:

Not to give into temptation for the following:

To have dropped a size so i am 12-14 rather then 14-16

To have dropped a stone so seeing 13.4

To be strong no matter how hard it gets

Yes we can :) my second pack was the veg soup as i really was wanting bit of flavour in my mouth as the shakes sometimes leave a bland aftertaste and yesterday did three shakes as well.

My last shake will be a shake though so hopefully will balance it out have ust finished my 2nd 1.5 bottle will need to finish two more n my third shake n then a early night see if the cystitis will not keep me up all night :s x
You look lovely in that picture. I've just weighed myself before my shower and I'm 4.5 litres in today and I've gone up by 8 pounds so looks like I've lost nothing.thats really got me down! I hope this hot weather cools off soon but apparently it's going to be even hotter. I can't cope! Work was so hot and had to stay late so I've only just got I . It's crazy! I've just had the coldest shower of my life and my feet are burning! I'm getting more nervous about Friday now as I will be so gutted if I don't lose as I really need this to be a lose for the event! I want it to rain lol I love the sun but not when working in it and if it slows down weight loss! My hairs started to malt lots too which could be a side effect! And I'm having less calories as I've not been having milk! wi

Priya you will do this... I know it's hard as everyone wants to feel comfortable in their own skin I want to be able to not look thenodd one out on my cousins wedding day and also be able to go on holiday where I'm not stared and laughed at my other people ( I went on holiday once and a young blonde girl from Norway was looking at me and laughing) I had just gone through a traumatic break up and it put me off going abroad again!) I kept convincing myself I'd
Lose weight and go on holiday but i never did hence why I'm not determined but tonight seeing the scales has disheartened me somewhat.

These two were my pictures of my works do the xmas thats just gone felt stuffy even at that point.

Hency why this time im so detetmined and i dont want to be on this plan forever as life is too short n it is for living and 12 weeks does feel like long enuf but if i do manage to get close to my target weight mite go bacm to 5/2 for a a few weeks to allow food back into my system.

The steps r encouraged by consultants but either way ur still paying to a business n indont want to constantly feel like im relying on that for the rest of my life.

I will however come back to it i ever find myslef 10-14 lbs above target weight to get rid of it.

So will always porbz use a vlcd as a safety blanket but still bear in mind that the cd is a business with independent consultants so they would like u to stay with them as long as possible as both support and a source income too.

But will see how i get on right now felt like i needed the support of a consultant hence why gone downthis road who knows where i will be in 12 weeks time hoping in a better place.

Thanku lucy ann for the words of encouragement i have stayed on path today i think it wil be water weight on ur scales right now with that water x

Ppl can be so mean hun hugs which is one of the reasons i have become bit like a hermit x
K so have said to bf willl see where i am in eight weeks time so now i reli do have to stick to it no matter what i best have shrunk by me or Lord help me xxx
Day five while been down with cystitis have watched utube success stories on cambridge there were two momnets today when was so tempted to give into dominoes but sheer willpower n the support on here and what not kept me away from it just want this week to be over this warm weather to get lost now and come back later when im bit smaller and lighter n the scales reli need to get pushing.

Two tetra choc and one veg soup today and four litres of water.

8 week challnege if i dont shrink by then then there is someting reli wrong and will most likely give up by then and move onto somethign more normal so will give it 8 weeks rather then the 12 to see results visibly n on the scales.

If i do succeed by week 8 then of course wil have no problem making it to week 12 then but just saying if for any reason it doesnt then there is seriously something wrong.

Xxx either with me or the diet but no way will cheat in the next 8 weeks
Priya and Kezza

I loved your photos you both looked awesome. And I like the 30 day challenge. Priya you will complete the 12 weeks lady. And that will inspire you to do the breather week and get back on the SS with me and Kezza and the rest of us.

I'm sorry to hear about your previous living sit but glad you're in a better place and you have your own space. I did flat shares after college but no longer... apart from I am a single
Mum with an almost teenager. Where did the time go..

Anyway, Lucyann don't be despondent, my CC told me I'm drinking too much water, 6 ltrs... but it's hot I told her, she said I was flushing the good nutrients out, so lower water to max 4 Ltrs a day

Oh and Priya did you get the meds I suggested it would clear up in a day with them ...

On to another day... can't wait for next weigh in.. totally excited as it's another week and hopefully a 2 or even 3lb loss

Scales reading 14.1 wtf is happening to me this is reli annoying me i have not had nothing at all apart from the three products and four litrs of water as a mimimum why isnt it going into the 13s i just dont understand when eevery one round me is having decent losses i am trying so hard to stay positive and upbeat but ffs this is a joke.

How can u not lose weight on so little calories this sun needs to get get lost like yesterday how am i going to handle this i have no idea i have always had decent first week losses and wasnt reli low carbing before i started so reli the first week shud have been a decent water loss if not nothing else i find myself not being able to sleep and waking up early.

Will weigh myself again in the morning but the scales are officialy annoying me i dont get it i reli dont so since thursday the day i got weighed been giving the run round :s thursday mornig when i weighed myself was 13.6 and didnt feel half as bad about that at all.

Then come 5.30 as soon as that consultant came and weighed me it went up to 14.4 n i though oh ok well maybe it was coz it was a afternoon weigh in hence why changed consultants as well but seriously over the weekend i stayed on plan didnt give in and whaatevr even tho was at home with the family n was drinking four lites since then and on monday saw 14.0 so thought oh ok 4lb loss not brill but ok and then literally now its gone back upto 14.1 and i have no idea mayb it is the stupid sun or whatever but this is not normal i feeel like iv gained weight since thurs how is that even possible :s i mean my scaels have always shown me a figure between 13.5 and 13.12 even after having pizza or subways etc never bludy 14.1 that is a joke weigh in the buff so no extra clothes on me this is stressing me out like no mans business sorry for the rant but woke up and cudnt go back to sleep and drinking four litres is not easy in a day but before ramadan started was easily necking back four litres a day with no issues at all and also losing consistentl after two 500 cals days a week this is reli bringing me down first week has been a disaster like literally never have had this before on a vlcd i am so flipping confused :s
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Seriously tempted to do a water fast for a day or two instead of having the stupid shakes to try and get a mini boost coz seriously i cant just cant have a three lb loss on my first weigh i would be mortified n in the past whenever i have done 2 500 fast days one after the other i have always seen a loss on the third day when weigh in.

Coz i just cant do this it just wont allow it i need to see the 13s psychologically or else it will mess me up for the rest of the diet if i was half way thru the jouney and i didnt lose a week here n there then would have understtood but this is the first week n i am like obese not exactly close to goal or anythign like that.

My body wont allow it i cant go thru the embarrasment of not having lost on weigh day especialy coz its the first day of meeting my consultant.

If i dont lose by thursday morning then i will fast thursday and friday as no i am not starving myself on these shakes just to not see a loss on the scales especially this early on regardless of whether its water retention or whatevr science nonsense tries to explain this bizarre idea.

I will give it one more day n wednesday wil be just shakes but seriously if i dont lose then will seriously just water fast for two days just to try n getmy body up and running again.

Maybe its the tetras thats causing me the stall or the veg soup i reli cant bluming tell coz as far as im aware all of them r still low calories and surly they cant have that many additivirs or else wouldnt be clased as heathy right :s to prevent losing weight.

Dont get me rong i am glad iv come this far but i reli cant afford to come saturday morning not knowing that i have tried everytjing to tryn see the 13s.

N then next week might just buy packs of shakes rather then tetras and see if that makes any diff might even stop with the soups as well and judt stick to powdered shakes where im just addig water and ice to it and no extras or nothing to it :s :( upset isnt even the word.

As for my height i am obese i think my bmi is like 41 or somethig stupid like that.

And not to see those number going down is the most demotivating thing in the world like i cant even explain in words how upsettig this is especially when ur sacrificing something as normal as food wich ppl do every single day whether its going out for a meal or making a meal or buying food on the go its like the most normla thing every for day to day purposes n for me not to lose the first week is just devestating i would have much rather seen a decent loss in first week n not as great a loss on week 2 as would have mentally been prepared for that as weeksand 3 sometimes r low losses generally.

I am defo in ketosis coz breathe stinks dint feel hungry apart from the odd craving which have bot givdn into yet.

Sorry for the rant but this diary is addictive and it feels like my safe haven where i wont be judged or nothing along those lines.

I actually feel reli depressed and week one isnt even over yet :(.

I have alwyas lose on the last two times i did a vlcd in my time and its not even like iv started a vlcd within weeks of each other i have gone by a good few years before i have re embarked on this vlcd diet.

Think the most annoying thing about any diet is that its so easy to say or hear give it another week to see if next week is any differnet but by then before u know a good month has gone by and ur still lacking results thats why summer chick i said will give it 8 weeks as i reli feel thats a long enough time to see a diff either in inch loss or scales loss or both.

If i do see results then of course will stay on for the full 12 weeks but if i dont see a diff in two motnhs tiem then i just wont see the point in doing it for an extra four weeks to make it to 12 weeks as if i dont seea diff in two months doubt anothe rmonth will give me the results i am needing or wanting for my health.

Im notgoing to lie i decided to start the cd for the fast losses n not for any other reason or else wiud have carried in trying to get bk on the 5/2 wagon.

Its mentally draining and psychologically painful to be on something like this it has takne me a long time to actualy make the first step and buy the products but this week has reli gotton me down need a blumin miracle though dont know how that will happen by saturday.

My fear of being the odd one out is alredy starting to come true :( x

Im even not having the porridge or the meals or the bars to try n prvent a stall in loss ffs i am sticking to the basics as basic as can be :/ :( :s xxxx i promise next week will try to be more positive and upbeat but this has reli brought me down first week losses for me have always been 5lb n more alwyas due to the carb intake etc.

Alsoin the past the earlier on in the morning iv weighed the lower the number on scales has been as have gone a whole nught sleepin not eating or drinking so there is usually always a loss even if late in the day it goes up again due to drinking water or whatever :/ this tym round this is not the case n dont get why soo close to the 13s yert can se it i alwaysbreathe in deep before standing in those scales.

I need to see something anything by saturday morning or else those dominoes will over take me and i will have failed even before i have even started judt coz of a rubbish first weeks weigh in :( :/ we nevrhave the sun n the week im starting a new lifestyle the bludy decides to beat down on us what is life :/ :/ :/ cystitis is killing me still :/ wednesday going to chemist instead of work to tryn see if can have something for this :/ just want this week to be over already i was soo looking forward to weigh in as monday i thought its ok still got a good few days left till first weigh the scales is bound to go down by then :/ clearly bludy not.

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Scales have gone back to 14.0 i still dont get it why am i not able to tip myself into the 13s even by a glimpse :s today is the third morning its showing 14.0 its like its bluming stuck there for some reason and no idea why :/ :( fml x

Nope im being serious if tomorrow morning it doesnt show me13.13 then i am just drinking water for tmorow and friday in the hope that it drops and then from saturday onwards will go back to packaged shakes and see if that shows me any differnece in the second weeek :/ :( disappointment isnt even the word to describe it.

Will not be heading into work today as was kept hp most if the night the with cystitis :( reli hoping tomorrow will feel better enough to go back into work as im falling behind at work now too due to being ill :(. But will pop into chemist to see if can get some medicine for it.