Proper alternate days?

I've given it up. Felt really rubbish on it, feel loads better now I'm eating properly. I went down to 10.9 from 10.12, got re weighed yesterday and was back up to 10.11. So only lost a pound in the 2 weeks I did it. I can lose more doing cc and my weight doesn't fluctuate and I feel healthy lol. Definitely not the diet for me unfortunately but I know it works well for others, guess it just depends on the person...x
Two weeks in and I lost 7lbs. I am delighted and that was just by doing DD's and UD's no exercising at all.
Sorry to hear it didn't work for you conlou, glad you are feeling better

Well done passionflower!

I am still here and I will give it another couple of weeks to see. What it has taught me is that I don't have to eat when hungry and I can eat less and survive !! Lol
thanks for the replies. Well it seems to depend on the person as to whether the diet suits people or not. I'll just have to see for myself. Do people count calories on a ud?
Good luck everyone jojo
Hello all! How are you getting on? I am trying to do alternate but must admit life gets on the way! Getting 2-3 dd in a week though. This week no loss showing but just weighed after an ud and I am 2 lbs down since I started 3-4 weeks ago. Not much but more than I was losing before so got to hold onto that!
Sticking with it :)
Anyone else?
Im doing alternate days as I have a LOT to lose and so far so good, been doing it now for just over a week and have lost 6lbs. I have decided though that if an unexpected social occasion comes up I will just have another Up Day,thats the wonderful thing about judding its flexible which makes it much easier to stick to long term. Im loving it!!
Jacci just a thought and of course you do whatever you feel comfortable with because its your plan but as you say you have a lot to lose, for me that is more of a reason to do 2 UPs. Istrated out with 4 stone to lose and still have 2 to go so still a lot to lose, but I have always had 2 UP s on a weekend, I think when you are looking at it from a longterm approach its much easier psychologically when you have your weekends off, also you are much less likely to get diet fatigue when you have weekends off. I have still lost on a regular basis, would I have lost more by now , possibly but I know I would have found it much more difficult to do strict rotation for the last 18 weeks when its not strictly needed. Just a thought as I said its your plan you do it your way but if you did have the occasional 2 UPs don't ever think of that as not sticking to the plan xxx
That's how I see it. I may have had a stall but I am losing weight slowly, I am always heading in the right direction.

I too could not live without UD weekends. I would feel deprived, resentful etc. So finding my own way has beena total revelation, I can live my own life and lose weight!

Having said that I am going to start looking at UD kcals more closely now as I would like to clean up my eating a bit. Nothing drastic, just a more healthy balance of foods. I won't be going mad, just using the Food Pyramid or Healthy Food Plate as a guide.
I actually considered doing a DD today as I'm not sure I will manage Friday as a DD and wondered about doing Sun, Tues & Thurs instead. But when I woke up... No way! I just need the mental break of the weekend.

So, Jacci - definitely do whatever works for you but by the same token, definitely be relaxed if you ever need to do two UDs together! I think I may be doing 3 UDs next weekend - eeeeekkk!
Mon, Wed and Friday for me, I could easily do aternate days but am happier with the flexibility that gives me and the longer, slower road. I'm trying not to think of it as being on a diet and wasn't even going to start posting on the forum again but couldn't resist keeping my big fat mouth shut!

My only concern is that if you do true ADF then is it easier for your body as in the science bit?
I deffo agree with what you are saying, alternate days are suiting me fine at the mo but if I have a social occasion or just feel I need to introduce another UP day I most certainly will!! That is the absolute beauty of this eating plan isnt it, its just so flexible and so guilt free and that is the best thing about it, also the health benefits too. Its almost a no brainer really!!

Take care all!!
Hi rosierosie, don't worry too much about going over a bit on your DD's whilst you adjust but do try to keep to 500 or under as if you get used to going over a little it has a way of escalating, but as I say its no problem whilst you are adjusting. As for your 2000 on your UP days thats not a strict figure hun, you can eat normally until satisfied so if you go over its not a problem as long as you are not consuming 3000/4000 cals every UP day then you will be fine x