Whit woo! xx
How are you doing, darling? Presumably you're in the office this week, so are you leaving the patient hospital meals, or does he have to fend for himself (I believe it's called occupational therapy)? Xx
Paul Hollywood had his hot X buns on show last night
Awwwwwwww P you've wasted your talents working finance, you surely should have been a nurse. Remember I have first hand experience of your nursing skills so I know what I'm talking about
Glad Kev is on the mend & it doesn't sound like he is being a typical man - yet
Paul Hollywood Kneading his bun dough last night sent me in a sweat phwhoooooooooo lol Glad you've got Kev resting up. He'll heal quicker and get him back to normal xxx
I want him to bake for me, daily. I don't fancy him (although he is a silver fox!) I just want to eat the bread he makes. ! He could be my feeder!!! Hahaha
No clue who this person is, but might just have to do a google search LOL.
Men do not make good patients, they are too im-patient.