hey DebT thanks..

i did go to see harry potter,,, it was pretty amazing! im such a fan of the books so i was really excited,,seeing it again at the weekend!

i see youre kind of on the same journey as me stats wise... how are you getting on?? im coming back to tfr on the 1st of january..or the second depending on how i feel...imm excited to restart after the break,,just hope i can get enough off between now and then
Funkystrut! babysteps indeed..little by little...youll get there..we all will
Ella belle! hey thanks...i want a hot water bottle but i had one last week and got really paranoid about making sure it was tightly closed that now i cant get the flamin thing open.... neither can my housemate.
which reminds me, think my dad is taking a trip over to visit me later so i might get him to have a go... it would be nice to have one!
I feel sorry for my dad ive made him print out all my questionnaires for my dissertation! thats an awful lot of paper..he's an absolute star!
Finally got my essay done...all 2499 words of it! it was max to be 2500 so i think 2499 was just enough!i didnt plan to finish on that number i swear!
have a nice flask of tea beside me now...wish there was something good on the telly,,irish tv is really bad

however im thinking i might have a bath because my tummy is so sore..think totm might be on its way...again...no fun

hopefully wont effect my weigh in...
heading off to mullingar to visit my best friend for the weekend as she is back from glasgow..i cant wait

something to look forward too. A nice relaxing weekend before coming back and getting right into the study for exams in january! the stress is neverending!.
nearly christmas....
how are you getting on ella belle, DebT ? funky keep at it...
