So let's face it... I am totally off plan.
Yesterday I had a macdonalds. Today I had a chicken sandwich and crisps from Sainsbury's. I had two custard creams and 4 chocolate bisuits.
Let's not forget the cheese! I bought three pots of the new philly whipped cheese. They were ten pence each, and I love a bargain. I have eaten them all and they are around 25 syns each. I ate them with ryvita standing up in the kitchen, one a day.
Ok. Let's upside.
1) Macdonalds: it was bad but it was an actual meal. I had big mac, regular fries and a shake for lunch. When I have binged on Macdonalds I bought way more than that. I mean enough for four people (I like to pretend to the staff that I am collecting for a group of friends. Binge head is a crazy head).
2) Sandwich: again, it was a meal. I was working with a group all day in a place without a canteen. We drove to the supermarket and I got my money's worth for a meal deal.
3) Cheese: ok so I ate all the cheese. But it was so cheap and I am poor. It was an abberation and it's all gone now.
What I am trying to prove to myself is that I am not out of control; I am just a bit overworked and overstretched. I am not binging. I don't need to be triggered by this, by that strange logic that says 'it's coming so get it over with'. Everything is under control, and better choices will be made tomorrow.
Hope everyone has their monster under control. Mine is unhappy but I am stroking his nose and I think he's settling down.