Puppetwitch and her two stone trouble! Size 14, here we come :)

Saturday 31st

Magic porridge pancakes with banana, plum, persimmon, lemon juice and sweetener

Another 2 eggs, scrambled

Cadbury caramel

Chicken cashew nut half portion (5) plain rice, 5 prawn crackers

Missed my train and the caramel happened! Had a lot of choccy this week.

Pic of pancakes! Freeeee! :)


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1 slice of white toast and lf spread (not my fault! Staying at a friend's house)!

Rest of chicken with free noodles and spinach, 2 eggs.

Muller lights and fruit

Free fish pie dan baked beans


Toast, flora (2) eggs (2) bacon

Flapjack massive!!! 15?

Spinach celery pepper tomato baked potatoes mackerel onion salad cream (2) lf spread (2)

I'm so tired. Been so stressful at work. Will play properly soon! X
Weighed in and lost two, so back to15 again. Really want the 14s next week!

Yesterday's food stared off well with a free omelet and a portion of Parmesan (3) then I had a buffet at work for a colleague's leaving do. I had sandwiches, pizza and hummus. That being said, I only had three half sandwiches (thick with mayo) and two slices of pizza. That is still a lot syn-wise but compared to everyone else (and their alcohol) I was restrained.)

I left to weigh and stayed for IT.

When I got to asda I saw then had reduced veg bags and went a bit mad. I now have six pots of carrot and swede soup and two pots of mashed swede in freezer and they cost me 25p for the lot.

But I also bought a thing of cheese for 10p And are all of it. And a ready-meal thing and ate that. It was 20p but probably 30 syns.

Ho hum. Back on it today. Here's a picture of my omelette. Shame it was all downhill from there! :)


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So let's face it... I am totally off plan.

Yesterday I had a macdonalds. Today I had a chicken sandwich and crisps from Sainsbury's. I had two custard creams and 4 chocolate bisuits.

Let's not forget the cheese! I bought three pots of the new philly whipped cheese. They were ten pence each, and I love a bargain. I have eaten them all and they are around 25 syns each. I ate them with ryvita standing up in the kitchen, one a day.

Ok. Let's upside.

1) Macdonalds: it was bad but it was an actual meal. I had big mac, regular fries and a shake for lunch. When I have binged on Macdonalds I bought way more than that. I mean enough for four people (I like to pretend to the staff that I am collecting for a group of friends. Binge head is a crazy head).

2) Sandwich: again, it was a meal. I was working with a group all day in a place without a canteen. We drove to the supermarket and I got my money's worth for a meal deal.

3) Cheese: ok so I ate all the cheese. But it was so cheap and I am poor. It was an abberation and it's all gone now.

What I am trying to prove to myself is that I am not out of control; I am just a bit overworked and overstretched. I am not binging. I don't need to be triggered by this, by that strange logic that says 'it's coming so get it over with'. Everything is under control, and better choices will be made tomorrow.

Hope everyone has their monster under control. Mine is unhappy but I am stroking his nose and I think he's settling down.
Well done on losing your 2 lb. It is so hard to stay on it after a good week though. As you say - what you have had is not a disaster if your diet wasn't slimming world. Good luck for tomorrow