LOL Daisy, maybe I got that wrong then

re Porridge I mix with 140 ml of water & nuke for 1 minute, then add frozed fruit and zap again in 20 second slots ( 2-3 usually does it) stir each time. Don't put in microwave for second time for any longer else it overflows! Makes a wonderfully multi-coloured breakfast - enjoy.
Thanks Min, I know you're right and I am really trying to focus on how I 'feel' rather than calories - but saying that I still feel the 'need' to log calories (I do this online) but sometimes just get it wrong! I don't want a portable counter as I think this will encourage me to obsess more, but if I log only at the end of the day the decisions have already been made - if you understand what i mean?
So to today -
Tuesday week 7
Porridge for breakfast (no fruit) then off to meeting where I had the apple with a black coffee.
Mid-morning break, fresh plum (loads of cakes & cookies available (again) - one day i will be confident enough to have one, but not yet...
Lunch, now what I didn't have was rice, or roast potato, or beef stoganoff, or chicken supreme, or chocolate cake, or chocolate mousse!!!
I did have the small mushroom starter (in balsamic vinegar, very small); poached salmon with cauliflower & carrots, then small fresh fruit salad

Mid afternoon - another apple (not cake, etc etc etc...)
Dinner tonight (on my own but at least a really nice restaurant in a good hotel for a change) - I chose:
melon with sorbet (strawberry)
Plaice with fennel (no potato)
fresh fruit salad (no cream) and a pint of soda water.
I did manage a short walk at lunchtime and again before dinner (both times around the industrial estate by hotels), and I was sorely tempted to order a glass of wine with dinner tonight, but when I thought about it I don't want to start on the slippery slope of drinking mid-week, especially not on my own.
Overall looks like a lot of food, but at no time did I feel 'full', just satisfied; although I've just had 3 cups of decaf and now feel full but that's just the fluid.
Total calories (sorry Min) ~ 1,400 which has suprised me as it seemed like a lot of food during the day but looking back I guess it's mostly fruit/veg with some fish protein which is very healthy, and an incredible difference to choices I would have made 5-6 months ago.
Swim before breakfast tomorrow & looking forward to that, then weigh-in in the evening.