Quins; back to the plan.


B. Hexb porridge , magic style with syns for some nuts, 3 syns, no fat yoghurt and satsuma

L. Some chicken thigh casserole, brown basmati rice and some lentil Dahl., salad on the side

D. Brown basmati, Dahl ( what ever is left over).., 4 syn for piece of flat bread.

Snacked on a couple of mouthfuls of plain basmati and a few SW chips that I made for mrs. 2 small chestnuts roasted , 4 syns?

Still no training, feeling tired. Maybe tomorrow night, turbo?
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Thanks Texty, hope all us well in your world. Had some good news today about a work friend who has come out if a coma, he's still on a high dependency unit but looking to be moved to a cardio ward. Hopefully they find out what happened to him

Ah thats brilliant news Quins and such a relief. Yes he will have a long way to go but that will come in time


B. Eggs on 2 wm toast with 2 Quorn frozen sausages 2 syns

L. Brown basmati and chicken left over and a sweet potato

D. Rice. Pasta Dahl combo left overs stylie.

Options hot chocolate



B. Eggs on ww wm today 2 Quorn frozen sausages 2 syns

L. Yellow split pea lentil and methi Dahl with rice and another Quorn sausage (3pm late lunch)

D. Not had it yet...bulgur wheat and salmon filet , not sure of weight or how cooked, I'm in the hands of mrs and daughter and they generally cock up any SW things I ask for.

B. Sw chips, LMc rosemary red onion sausages, mushrooms and 2 eggs, 1 slice spelt bread ( syns or hex?)

39.5 bike ride, -1 nearly lost feeling in feet ( wish I had then they wouldn't of hurt so much). Had my legs ripped off by a neighbour racing snake after roads thawed.

L. Porridge with some nuts and dried fruit.

D. Chicken hex b curry with lentis. Flat bread syns no rice.

12' 13 this morning, lost 4 LBS this week...I'm on it!
Happyholidays you've got it nailed. There has been nothing pleasant about riding recently. Going up a group is blo@dy hard. The weather doesn't help either. I came back after yesterday's ride and said to my family " why am I doing this ?" I think if I quit with this group now I won't like myself for quitting. However, if I don't make progress within another 2 months I will drop back down a group. I'm sure the weight loss will help with the hills ( power to weight etc). Can't wait to report " had a lovely ride"

B. Sw chips, LMc rosemary red onion sausages, egg beans and a slice of spelt bread , 5 syns?

L. 2 wm Danish pork sliced lettuce and tomatoes about an ounce of pork

D. Basmati and bulgur wheat mixed, beff stew with flageolet beans carrots, swede. 5 syns ( made with flour and sherry in it) Brussels and brocoli

1 hr threshold session on turbo, easily the most sweaty session I've done.

Activa yoghurt, banana, desert spoon porridge raisins and flaked almonds 5 syns

About 15 - 20 syns today. Enjoyed them all.

B. 2 eggs omlette, 2 ww wm toast, 2 Quorn sausages

This really keeps me filled up. Taking my lunch a lot later and no snacking

L. 14.30 left over flageolet bean stew and ruce, bulgur wheat

D. Lentil Dahl, bulgur wheat some Quorn mince ....trains from London utter pants tonight had to make do with samey left overs.... Boo

Activa yoghurt banana to come.
Hi pippalata, thanks for taking a look, I will pop over to you soon!

A couple of days off plot.

A leaving do and a funeral. Not much food eaten on either day.


B. 1 ww wm Danish toast 2 eggs, 2 LMc red onion rosemary sausages

L. Chicken thigh casserole left overs in slow cooker, yum.

D. Baked Salmon fillet, 8oz ws chips, stir fry veg...delicious

Activa yoghurt and fresh blue berries ( on offer in morrisons) syns on a few nuts.

Off to Gloucester and Bristol tomorrow, son has. South West England regional Rugby League trial. Another big day out on the road.
Long day on Saturday, up at 0500 and home at 2200. From Kent to Gloucester, Gloucester to Bristol, Bristol to Gloucester, Gloucester to Bristol, Bristol to Gloucester then Gloucester to Kent. Ouch. 2 egg rolls and a Chinese buffet , I only ate meat and veg.... First time that I haven't felt stuffed at one of these buffets. A good option Missed my bike club ride yesterday, managed a 2 hour hill session locally.

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Food today B. Porridge hex b, with yoghurt activa

Bike ride

Bike computer says over 1000 calories burned, never accurate though I'm sure.

L. Chicken tikka breast from morrisons, 4 Swedish meat balls, 2 wm Danish, finished off an energy bar too.

D. Lean pork roasted , 8oz jacket , kale, carrots, gravy syns, a Yorkshire pud, syns

Felt v hungry after ride. More meat in a sandwich later, and scavenged 2 left over roast spuds!
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Monday. Green
Tuesday started neutral, then veered red had chili for lunch, mrs then did a blinkin lasagna for dinner......not helpful.



B. Quorn sausage sarnie, on wm 2 syns

L. Rice, Quorn chicken pieces in chopped tomatoes and curry powder sauce, smelled delicious and had everyone in the office asking what I had. Tasted good too.

Did hill repeats whilst daughter did her swim squad training. It was blinkin cold, only managed just over an hour, 4 climbs. Descents were bitter cold.

Made a travel pot of hot tinned spaghetti for post ride , it hardly touched the sides.

Synned on a piece of Asda tiger French stick and swig of chocolate milk.
January really has been unpleasant. Been to 2 funerals already. Just lost my father in law this morning. We are devastated. Just over a month from losing my mother in law.

So sorry to hear this hunni ((big hugs)). Old cliche broken heart comes to mind. A friend at work lost her parents within a week of each other x
Thanks you two for your thoughts. It is a difficult time. It's tough on the family. Seeing my kids ripped up is painful. The mundane still has to go on...



.B mushroom omelette, with hex a cheese

L. V lean pork steaks , leaks, fry light, in a tiger baguette salad,, syns gawd knows.

D. Leek, onion, carrot, sliced Brussels , kale fry light sweated then chicken stock with Quorn Swedish balls. Delicious.

Weighed in another pound off , well in target range. 12'12
Thanks you two for your thoughts. It is a difficult time. It's tough on the family. Seeing my kids ripped up is painful. The mundane still has to go on... Yesterday Red .B mushroom omelette, with hex a cheese L. V lean pork steaks , leaks, fry light, in a tiger baguette salad,, syns gawd knows. D. Leek, onion, carrot, sliced Brussels , kale fry light sweated then chicken stock with Quorn Swedish balls. Delicious. Weighed in another pound off , well in target range. 12'12

It does unfortunately :-( be strong for the kids but remember you and mrs need time to grieve too