A busy day, not SW friendly, 66 miles club bike ride was tough but I beat the racing snake from Germany. Then had to work in the other farm clearing the trimmings from the orchard, it seems like it's never ending medieval work, just dragging branches and cut offs across orchard, out of a gateway and onto a fire....whilst Mrs Quins and 2 daughters put chicken wire in trees to stop the Rams eating the bark, b@stards! Lovely plums though.
B. 3 quorn mini eggs, 4.5 syns
30 miles then cafe stop at Shoreham , a tiny village with a WW 2 themed museum and cafe , paintings if spitfires in action over Kent , memorabilia all jeer, 30s/40s music playing, the tea ladies in costume, all very typically eccentric English. We had a young German riding with us....Oooops! He saw the funny side of it though. Then we found our Spanish rider who meeting us at the tea room.
Lunch and brekkie

oor step sausage sandwich, nothing in the menu SW friendly at all....coffee with a sugar.
Absolute your gave it everything on the run in from about 5 -7 miles out. Managed to break the German racing snake, think he was a bit taken back, but he was brilliant on the hills whereas I was better on the flat ( stronger).
Post ride , 2 egg omelette with peppers , onions, chilies, 1 laughing cow.
Work in farm
Still very hungry, had 3 small hero sweets. No fat yoghurt.
21:30 managed egg beans on toast with butter. Knackered.