Stuck to my food plan completely yesterday, apart from from 6 prawn crackers! Ooops! So thats an extra 4.5 syns.
Food Plan for Sunday
Breakfast - None as had a lie in and went straight out Christmas shopping!
Lunch - Potato skins, some with cheese and beans (HEa) and some with tuna, sweetcorn and spring onion, with a big salad of lettuce, cucumber, spring onion and sweetcorn. So that was about 5 syns for mayo
Tea - Syn free chilli with boiled rice, with side salad and 1 tsp low fat sour cream which i will count 2.5 syns for as there's 50kcal in 1/6 of a tub, but there's definitely more than 6 tsp in a tub! I'll be on the safe side though.
So, syns for the week totals at 80/105 syns for the week. Plus 1 hour of Zumba and 50 mins of a kettlebells class. This is the first week in a long long time i haven't drank and have exercised so i'm hoping it shows when i weigh myself tomorrow, but we'll see...
Food Plan for Monday
Breakfast - Melon
Lunch - Wholemeal pitta with ham salad and light mayo (4 syns) with extra salad on the side
Snack - Grapes
Before i go to Zumba i will have a banana and then come home for tea which will be the same as tonight, chilli with rice. Sour cream (2.5 syns) and light cheese (HEa)
Syns for the week 2.5/105
I'm going to Sheffield for my sister's graduation on Wednesday, so i'm going to take a load of fruit to snack on in the morning and then we are going out for lunch. I am trying to save most of my syns for the week to have something nice for lunch and drink on the night and attempt to stick to Vodka and Diet coke. It's a special occasion though which has been planned for a long time so i'm not going to worry too much