Hi all, had a couple of drinks Friday night and decided at 10.30am that I would go out. Got dressed, put on make up, called taxi and went to a bar I used to love. When I got there, I found out that it had moved premises, just goes to show how long it is since I actually went out? Months I tell ya!
Anyhoo, met a couple of guys I used to work with and spent the next couple of hours with them. Once they left, you would have thought that I would have gone home myself, but oh no, I decided to move on elsewhere! Ended up somewhere I didnt recognise and still dont know the name of it. I think it was there that I met up with a guy I used to know when I was assistant manager of a charity shop, he arranges community service for folk, anyhoo, I had a few drinks with him and then Im assuming we must have left and got a taxi back to his?!
I vaguely remember walking up his stairs, him pouring a drink and then leaning in to kiss me. Next thing I remember is hours later, well, I dont really need to go there do I, you can use your imagination. Suffice to say I am MORTIFIED!! I hardly ever drink, go out etc, gin just goes down too easily, next thing I know Im blazing. Although I have to say Ive never ever forgotten segments of a night quite so much.
I did however, have a nice morning with him, but made a hasty exit anyway, Im not up to seeing anyone yet and I know he was wanting that as he had made it obvious in the past that he really liked me. Kind of a nice boost for my deflated ego etc but something I really do wish hadnt happened.
Im just in shock that I acted like the shameless hussy I must have hidden away with the skinny bird underneath!!
Ah well, on a brighter note, I have not had fags!!!! Yaay me!! Even when I was out and blootered, I didnt touch one!!
Am very chuffed, no doubt at weigh in this week Ill be lucky to sts cos I have found myself eating a couple of times just for the sake of having something to do, but its been good healthy stuff so Im assuming I wont have put on?
Hope you are all well tho xx