RachelS - Its been a long time!

OOh, you cheeky mare!!! :D
There seems to be a fair few Rachels on here tho eh?
But yeah, the mullercorner thingy, the light one is so scrummy, but the Orange and dark chocolate one is just divine, find them!!
I have to make a long bus journey to get them, but heck its worth it!
Hows you today? I have been awake since 4 thanks to a driver calling in sick, couldnt get back to sleep!
Monday Monday - 5 days and no fags!

Have been up since 4am this morning thanks to a driver calling in sick, I know he starts at 7am but 3hrs early is a bit excessive, I couldnt get back to sleep and am knacked!
Registered online with WW again last night so am now a monthly payer! I know its a wee saving but its the online facilities that do it for me. So much easier finding points values etc, and I can be real lazy sometimes so saves me hunting around for my tracker pad.
Boss is back at work today so I can slightly relax although I have to take him to task on various things that cropped up while he was away. He's gone from cheery to grumpy in the space of 5 mins and I havent opened my mouth yet!!
Anyhoo, speak soon, probably lunchtime-ish x
Weigh in today and feeling nervous!

I get weighed today and I feel sick! I'll be happy to sts (not really, I want to lose but am trying to prepare myself) cos I have got drunk a couple of times but as far as food goes Ive not been bad bar 1 day with the Xmas cake demons!
Got into work at 7 this morning, not meant to start til 8 but that way I get stuff done that I need to. Its only a 10min difference in buses believe it or not? If I get the bus at 6.40, I get into work at 7.25am if i get the bus at 6.30, I get into work at 7. Better all round methinks.
I am bored tho, just me and the boss in the office and he's in a right moody today so its just you and me miniminners! Heres hoping things lighten up tho eh?!

Anyhoo, breakfast today has been: 1 pk Oatsosimple 1.5pt, 1/4 s sk milk 1pt and a really healthy nut and date bar 4pt. I know that sounds a lot but it fills me up til lunch which is what I need, I dont want to feel all light headed like yesterday.

Lunch today is a homemade chicken salad wrap 6pt with various fruits etc which I havent pointed yet.
My main problem seems to be when I get home from work, I just dont know what to have, I usually end up eating pasta with pesto which I love but doesnt involve anything green and healthy veg wise. The basil doesnt really count ya know!!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! ;)
Good luck for later, at least once you have been weighed you can put it all behind you & move forward & who knows, it might not be as bad as you are expecting anyway :)

Fingers crossed eh Anna, I dont think it'll be all that bad tbh, I dont feel bigger or anything thanks goodness.:D
Good luck on your weigh in Rachel :) xx
good luck on your WI later Rach, you will do great I am sure! :D xxx
so how did it go? Or am I too early? :p
so how did it go? Or am I too early? :p

Too early, Im still at work! By the time I go get weighed and then prize the laptop out of my daughters fingers, it'll probably be 7.30!
Hows your day gone? I cant wait to get home, Im shattered!
*sits and twiddles her thumbs until 7:30* :D good luck! x
Kinda chuffed!

I lost 3.5lbs which isnt too bad considering I quaffed half my body weight in gin on Friday (note to self - must be all that exercise!!)
So... hopefully next week when I have done a full week 100% with no alcohol I'll register a more normal loss for a week if you know what I mean?
Then again, considering I gave up cigs last week, Ive done not bad to not be picking etc, yaay me!!!:D
well done Rach thats fantastic! and now you're in Team 5 you've earned them 2 points!

Damn, why arent you in my team? :p lol!

so pleased for you hen - well done! :) *big hugs* you're doing fantastically!
Congrats on your loss Rach, fabulous result especially having been christmas, new year and you giving up on the ciggies!!! Amazing! xxx