thank you all *hugs*
Helen, it musta been the weekend for both of us (though mine was less exciting - bulgar wheat as opposed to BBQ - very jealous!
) as i lost a pound.. so glad my scales cant do half pounds or i would be mortified if i had lost 1.5, as i'm so close to 3 stone i can almost touch it!!
So a pound off.. going to have to work extra hard this week as thats not a great score in the 1 stone race - not when i'm up against bear, chelle and GD!
either way though, am still very relieved that the bulgar wheat didnt make me gain / sts.. but would have been interesting to see if i would have shifted a bit more! I did expect a small loss after last week but was hoping i could have hit that gold 3 stone marker
ah well, always next week
decided i would like to hit 13st 8 before holidays on 21st June.. so 8lbs to lose before then - doable if i keep my head down
food plan for today:
B - 60g shreddies (3) 1/2pt soya light (1)
L - 80g bulgar wheat (
4) passata, onion, mixed herbs, garlic, chilli powder, mushroom (0) 1/2tin kidney beans (2)
T - 2 quorn southern style burgers (4) cauliflower and sweetcorn (1)
S - 2 apples (1)
total: 16 points