Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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Just popping in to check up on you. Hope by your absence this means you're still in bed or resting. Make sure matty is showering you with TLC. Take care angel and hope you manage to enjoy the weekend xxx
Hiya hun....Hope your feeling a little better again. As Fitz says it could be shock. I had this a few days after breaking my arm and it was not nice. Glad your not letting it get you down and hopefully come tommorow your feeling even better. :patback:

Arggg i hate misplacing the mobile....i always seem to do it when i have it on silent :doh:

Try taking it easy tonight xxx

Hope you are feeling a litle less sore & having a relaxing weekend x
afternoon all :) thank you all for popping in on me, appreciate it :) am repaying the favour of being looked after today and am sat in the bedroom on the very underused PC - keeping sleeping beauty company :p he's hungover.

off for sunday lunch later though and i dont have to make it myself - whoop! :D

havent posted my food the last few days (since wednesday) and im sure you can guess why. Wednesday when I could still move we went to Buffet King, which was very disappointing but i still ate everything i shouldnt.. thursday / friday / saturday there was takeaway involved at least twice - fish and mushy peas which again wasnt great, and last night 10 inches of vegetarian pizza with extra jalapenos, onion rings and cheesy garlic bread.. and a diet coke LOL :p

so today i woke up CRAVING healthy food - must have grease oozing out of my pores by this stage. I know i will have gained tomorrow but my P.O.A is to get myself back into pointing today so that I will be ready for a new week as of tomorrow :)

B - 60g shreddies (3) 1/2pt soya light (1) vanilla mullerlight (1.5 - not a patch on the vanilla and chocolate ones!)
L - sainsburys basics tomato soup (2.5) bovril (0.5)
T - sunday dinner which i am NOT having roasties only mash (4) which i prefer anyway :p with looooads of free vegetables, gravy (2) and whatever the meat is (6) and possibly one yorkshire (1)

which might save me enough to cover half an onion ring from last night haha :D
OMG hun are you sure you are OK, I am so sorry for not being around I really am a crap minimin friend!! I wrote my car off 4 years ago and the airbag knocked me out cold!! They certain save lives but god they hurt!!

Well done on the 2.5lbs thats a brilliant loss! You're doing great hun.
Hello my beauty. I am so sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you are okay. *BIG HUGS* (although not in a way that will do you more damage) I really hope you are on the mend soon. Congratulations on your brilliant weight loss and for entering the 13s my dreams are made of such a weight appearing on my scales :) keep up the good work. Take care of yourself and if you need anything you just need to ask. Lots of love x x x
Hey Rach, hope you are starting to feel better and that you are making sure that you take some time to relax...as boring as that might be! xx
cheers you two.

well i re-gained 4 of the 5lbs i had lost this week.. i would say understandable but i am still annoyed at myself! Its done now though, so only another 4 WI's until xmas and least I can do is try my best to get back into the 13's for then. 2lbs a week from now would be nice so going to try my hardest (says she who is about to post a rather horrendously unhealthy food diary for today!)

B - weetabix oatabix bar (1)
L - sour cream and chive snack a jacks (1.5) small pear (0.5) sainsburys oxtail soup (3) sainsburys white chocolate and raspberry cookie (7?)
T - 1/2bag quorn mince (2.5) onion, celery, carrot, more carrot (0) oxo cube, 10g gravy granules (1)
S - lunch people garlic bread bites (1.5) 2 wholemeal crackers (1) philadelphia light (1)

total: 20 points.. unhealthy but within points so cant be too mad at myself! :D

tomorrows plan:

B - apple and blueberry oatsosimple w/ soya light (3)
L - tin sainsburys basics vegetable soup (2) 2 pears (1)
T - whatever wanders into my trolley when i go for a bit o' shoppin'!

legs are aching like mad.. dont know what i've done to them! :(
Awww hunny, dont go worrying bout the 4lbs - you'll shake them off in no time and see the 13's again soon enough. Remember the main thing is that you're okay after your accident and if tum needed some tlc then it deserved it. Draw a line and start again in the morning. *Big hugs* Did you manage to get back into school today? xxx
You can lose that in a week easily, fear not!

How much light phili is it for 1 point? I've discovered I love bagels with light phili but I've been guestimating what 30g is :p
30g is 1 point for light Jess :) x

yes Jax i got back into work today.. my legs and lower back are absolutely killing me though. Not sure if its the driving or the lots of extra moving about thats getting to me though..

i tell you whats getting to me though.. one ugly little Year 11 cretin (must be the name "Liam" as I have a little Year 10 cretin who may go the same way :p) who totally p*sses me off - I want to punch him right on his already ridiculous shaped nose.. I have tried nice, I have tried stern, I have tried a mix of the two and he just takes the f***ing p*ss out of me. Told me I could call him "Mister ------" until I earned his respect.. i set him straight on that one I can tell you now!

as a trainee teacher, i shouldnt say this.. but my god some of these kids should have been put down! :p

ABORT! ABORT! :rotflmao:
LOL Rachael,working in a school i totally know where you arec oming from, i dont know a single nice 'Jack' they are all toe rags !! Narrow escape too thats what Olivia was gonna be if she was a boy !!

Will keep my eyes open for 'looserLiams'
I have to say, i know three Jacks, and all 3 have "issues" and yet i love all three of them cause they're real characters.. likeable but mischievous.. however Loser Liam 1 and Loser Liam 2 are both complete t*ssers "i dont need to come to school im going to be a pizza delivery boy".. cranks :p
30g is 1 point for light Jess :) x

yes Jax i got back into work today.. my legs and lower back are absolutely killing me though. Not sure if its the driving or the lots of extra moving about thats getting to me though..

i tell you whats getting to me though.. one ugly little Year 11 cretin (must be the name "Liam" as I have a little Year 10 cretin who may go the same way :p) who totally p*sses me off - I want to punch him right on his already ridiculous shaped nose.. I have tried nice, I have tried stern, I have tried a mix of the two and he just takes the f***ing p*ss out of me. Told me I could call him "Mister ------" until I earned his respect.. i set him straight on that one I can tell you now!

as a trainee teacher, i shouldnt say this.. but my god some of these kids should have been put down! :p

ABORT! ABORT! :rotflmao:

*note to self* Never get on your bad side! :p
Yeah, I worked out 30g was 1 point but it's hard to weigh that.. do you know if it's a tablespoon or teaspoon for example? Much love Rachipoos x
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