cheers Claire
well, loads of other people have these 10 things, so being a sheep, i want one too
1. organise my life better - want to really concentrate on my second placement and make sure I learn and improve the best I can!
2. have a more active social life
3. do something for myself - quite fancy a dance class, sign language or getting back to rock climbing!
4. continue to make exercise a regular part of my life - possibly up my exercise to twice a week.
5. cook from scratch more - invite people round to eat more!
6. have more time for Matty and me, and to see family
7. control my spending - buy less food I don't need (and ultimately waste) and instead save it for La Senza lingerie (hopefully soon in a smaller size

8. eat cleaner - less crisps / chocolate / unhealthy / processed foods
9. spend more time looking after myself - learn to do something with my hair other than straighten it!

10. have more sex - BBC news says its worth it!