Good luck with your result today xx
thank you!

hope you are doing well back on track! x
Well done for getting straight back to it Rachael. Sure your WI will be fine - you had an indulgent weekend but you have been running ragged at school! Take care x
thanks, pleased with results even though had 4 days off track!
Hello gorgeous, I know we've texted tonight but thought I'd just pop in to your diary to say hello and tell you how proud I am of you for getting straight back to it! *Big hugs* xxx
aww thank you

love you lots! glad you're doing well at maintenance for your first week! xxx
you really do seem to be back in the zone !!
i am feeling it!

fingers crossed it lasts - no, be positive - it WILL last!
Hey hun!! Good luck for WI and don't worry about only living off loan etc! That's all i did for my last year was easy you just become friends with cool traders, iceland and pound shop

hehe hope your alright xxx
i already love pound shop.. i love herons aswell, and the half price offers in all the supermarkets

especially when quorn is on offer haha!
Good luck Rach back to check for wi laters
thanks Aunty M
Good luck for weigh in hVe a great day xx
thanks hun! xxx
Well done in getting back on track so quickly and great attitude toward it and good luck with wi.
I started back at class yesterday and have woken up in a positive mood.
class really helps i think

my leader although positive gives me a look that really makes me know if i've let myself down or not, and i need that look! x
Hey hun
Good luck for WI!
Can I ask where you get your 1 point quavers as any multipack bags I buy are 1.5
just checked and you're right.. they work out with calculation at 1.25 so you would round it up.. not down..

but you are forgiven, as i still lost 0.5lbs after only 3 days on track
SO pleased with that!
OH is doing the diet with me, and my god it is so much easier.. the only problems i have now are my own - no more excuses. Just seen Joelle get kicked off Biggest Loser and it made me realise that I make a lot of excuses for myself and (although i make a lot more sense than off the planet Joelle) its unnecessary and i'm doing myself more of an injustice than anything else. I will never reach the weight i want by making excuses for my actions!
B - slice bread (1.5) 50g wafer thin ham (1) quaker oats chewy granola bar (1)
L - 60g sharwoods dried egg noodles (3.5) tub ww arrabiatta sauce (1) and packet worcester sauce french fries (1)
T - bacon and courgette pasta in tomato sauce (made by MIL - 9)
S - 5 maltesers (1)
total: 20 points
tomorrows plan:
B - oatsosimple apple and blueberry w/ alpro soya light (3)
L - tuna salad (2) made with a tin of tuna (2), pea shoots, watercress, beetroot, tomato, cucumber (0) worcester sauce french fries (1) quaker oats oatmeal raisin chewy granola bar (1) evian (0)
T - spinach, mushroom and chestnut torte from the new ww fabulous and filling cookbook (4.5 - usually only 3 but only going to make it serve 4 instead of 6) roast carrots, swede (0) roast parsnips (1.5) broccoli (0) gravy (1)
S -
total: 14 points
leaves me plenty points for the cinema tomorrow night

might even treat myself to some nachos and jalapenos!