Rainbow~666 Double Diary

well done on the weight loss and making it through the 1st week....
I think with all diets it gets easier once you see the weight coming off.
Wooo! Big well done :D :D
Day 10

Naughty Vicki for not writing in here the last few days. I got bit lazy and its the weekend for forgive me.

Anyway. i feel great now, and really motivated to keep going. Did some dancing last night with the ole ipod and plan to continue that for a wee bit extra exercise :) . Not loving the flap jacks they are going back tomorrow!!

Planning to treat myself to an audio book(salem's Lot) when i lose 1 stone (soon i hope) and a new hair doo at 2 stone mark. I hope that wont be too long away :)
DAY 15

Eeep this diary business isnt going well!

I lost 3.1lbs on the WI thursday, so that 1 stone 1 lb so pretty chuffed. But i cheat all the time , i wish i had more self control :-(
well done on the loss, even with cheating..........lol
just take one day at a time.
thanks buffy ive desided to NEVER cheat again.

i did this afternoon bacon and ham, and i feel ill!! seriously sick and over full. Its totally put me off when i look in the mirror and see my huge belly and think of the disgusting fatty bacon i just put in it. I heard it takes 21 days to form a habit

Well tomorrow is day one of habit forming. I WILL REFORM. F*ck sake, so annoyed at myself for sabotaging another week. i want high losses so why the hell an i eating!!!!.

Only concellation is i went swimming and did 30 mins of light exercise. but still i feel so lost in the world. just need, want and desire to be like the old me who was confident and slim and fit.
the belly

its like a separate entity from me. When i look in the mirror and shield the belly - my relatively normal sized ass and arms and face look fine, just this thing on my front making me look pregnant( i havent been pregnant for 3 years!!)
I feel like its impossible to lose it, that im stuck with it like an ever growing tumour.

Ive never had will power and i feel like i will lose the battle with the belly.

I try to be positive on the forums why can't i be positive for me?

I look at the peoples ticker and they had lost over 100 lbs and i wonder how the manage it, how can they be so strong and feel a failure.

Well done on the loss :D
lol good focus ont he positive pugso!!

Well i am feeling more good about myself since yesterday, been doing 30 inutes tae bo foundation dvd every night and drinking more water. also got my foot bike out and pedled that during big brother so if i keep that up over the next few months i will be burning some extra cals but without noticing, soooo goood stuff!!

The friends and family bbq yesterday wasnt so bad, some of the people there are knobs but hey ho so is life and i didnt eat!!! Make up and doing my hair also made me feel bit better.

Hope to keep this up.
Hi 666
Just read your Diary and thought i would come and say hi and tell you about me. Firstly well done on your weighloss, thats fantastic!
Ok, about me. My names Diane and i started LL last September with about 5 stone to lose. I managed to do 2 weeks with no "real" food, but was fantasising about food SO much.................ended up caving in and ate a cheese omlette with a tin of tuna (was thinking Atkins style food will keep me in ketosis) felt sick after it, vowed never to do THAT again..........funny how you change your mind aint it.....cheated constantly through foundation (14wks) but managed to lose 3stone. Then i decided that i could lose the other couple of stone through healthy eating....couldnt stand the thought of not eating any longer! Well, needless to say, i BLOWED it!!! Gained another 16lbs, felt so fed up with myself and knew if i didnt do anything about it i would end up where i started!!! WW and SW dont work for me, cos i cant trust myself to have a little bit of anything! Went back to LL, was warned its VERY HARD 2nd time round, but felt i had to give it my best go! Well i few days in and there i was fantasising about food again, feeling pretty negative and knowing history was going to repeat itself! I started a thread on here asking if you stopped fantasing about food after a while? I mean, my brain was going down the "maybe just a little meat wont do any harm?" route again! But i knew that once i cheated that would be it.....
Someone replied to my thread and said that they went into this diet with the mindset that "food is NOT an option, so why think about it?" Everytime food entered their mind they pushed it away....cos it wasnt an option! And after time, it just became habit not to eat and food no longer bothered them (therefor breaking their addiction).
I decided to try it and have almost completed my 2nd week. Feeling VERY positive and every time food crops into my mind i push it away with "its not an option why think about it?" IT WORKS!!!! it really does, and i know that the longer i do this the closer i am getting to beating my addiction to food and soon it wont bother me!!! Now, i know LL and LT are different plans, but same principle. Do you get councilling sessions with LT?? I think they help SO much, really help me to think positively which is so important. We must remember why we are doing this. Its not that we CANT eat, we can, but we CHOOSE not to because we want to lose weight and feel great! No food tastes as good as being slim feels!
I lost 9lbs my 1st week and getting weighed again on Thursday. If i can abstain from eating, you CAN to. But i truly believe its all in the mind. Why fight with yourself about "maybe i could/should/want to eat that!!!!" when food enters your mind just send it away, dont even have the discussion, keep thinking positively and focusing on why your doing it, how you will look, (fab) and keep motivated. If you need to talk you can PM me or i will pop in on your diary, i have one too if you want to read mine. TOGETHER we CAN do this!!!

Diane xx
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Day 20 ?? (I think)

WI tomorrow and im worried i havent done enough to make up for my bacon and ham binge earlier this week :-( Been doing the dreaded scale jumping everyday and cant see the scales moving soo super worried!!

I have however been increasing my activitey, cycling during BB, dancing about like an idiot when i have spare few minutes and the 20-30 mins of the tae bo dvd(just the basic punches and kicks as im a newbie to it all)

Ha ha i disregarded one of the weight loss rules :-( i didnt take mesurements or a before picture so i dont even have anything to compare myself to- so stupid.Oh well my bad will just have to up water and exercise for next few months and NOT CHEAT!!.

Seriously considering a wii and wii fit, but it just seems so expensive and being in money situation i wonder if i should really be 'wasting' that much money on a game when i could just do what im doing already..... just the second i think " well you will get bored and need variety just buy it vicki" lol so undesided.
Hey Vicki
you are doing great, why not take your measurements and photos now, so a few weeks down the line you WILL have something to compare to.
Just watch you dont go OTT with the exercise, i have a habit of doing too much at one time and end up giving up all together (but thats going from nothing to everything, too much for my body to cope with) dont know how active you have been previously?
oh, and really try to stay OFF the scales it can be really demotivating when the numbers aint going down quick enough.
But you are doing really well vicki, stick with it, and soon we will both be slim stunning babes!!

Diane xx
Awesome stuff!!!!!!