Rainbow~666 Double Diary

day 27

Im in a funk, and im clucking pissed of with my cheating ways!!

Why am i doing it? Im not damned hungry.I just dont understand it.

I went shopping for size 22 clothes as my 24's are way loose, wearable but loose. I was obviously too optimistake, i picked up trousers and two tops and bought them, didnt even try em on. One top fits :-( I need to lose about 4 inches of my opverhang to fit into the trousers and i dont even know when the top will fit. i feel so GRRRRR it looks like i wont be dropping a dress size till ive lost at least 3 stone.

speaking of the overhanging belly..... Its proper saggy. Started doing crunches that target that area but i am not expecting much Its a roadmap of scarring from fast weight gain (5 stone in 4 months) and was even saggy when i was pregnant. So i have been searching the net for info on nhs funded abdominoplasty operation. Ha i would defo be a candidate but i cant see my PCT paying for it. still at least 7 stone to go before i see the extent of damage my emotional bingeing has done.

I have a 'date' Sunday. Not even looking forward to it. I feel is the wrong time to be even thinking about men plus the fear of rejection and me being hugely fat still.

I want to cancel but think what if? :-$
Ohh diane1 i was in dispair yesterday, not today however haing a fresh start as soon as im back from WI im going to bloody battle myself tooth and nail to hang onto my sanity regarding food.!!

My love life was sooo lacking i resorted to net dating so the 'date' is with a guy who is 66% personality match......feels pretty stupid, and he says he doesnt go for looks.....bollocks. Only swapped face pics so he would get a shock if he saw me. I think i will cancel. More fair all round.

And hooo my tiny foot bike broke with use :-( so i need to replace it and the recipt has gone missing. thinking of getting a trampoline, ive lost enough weight to get one now THANK CLUCK!!
you could be writing off a perfectly good man vicki just because of your insecurities, any man worth his salt would want you for who you are inside (cliche i know) why not send him a full body shot and see what happens! If he aint interested its him who will miss out on your stunning new bod! Look forward to seeing your wi results, i will be posting mines around 9pmish

Diane xx

4.4 lbs off fat off my bod!!

yay me lol Bought a trampoline to do some more exercise, so quite excited and feeling better in myself.

gonna start a whole new routine, involving hobbies, pampering, fitness and chillaxing lol

Feel super positive, hope you feel it too

Might go meet Colin on Sunday anyway, i mean its an evening out of the house.
4 weeks to the day - FRESH start

clean slate, even stevens etc etc

Today i am sitting in new dotty p's size 22 black jean trousers that i couldnt button up on monday....Im so chuffed!!
my face is clearer im sleeping incredibly well and i can get up in the morning when im supposed to. How can i fault this diet how can i sabotage it??

ANd im child free for a week as of Tomorrow night!! what to do what to do??

I just have to be strong, its working so well.


So i bought a trampoline last night and got a hypno cd to listen to at bed time. The cd is my big sis's its ment to help put you in control of your self.... i dotn remember hearing anything after 'you will go to sleep, not a deep sleeep a hypnotic sleep' then i woke up to some music and turned it off, so i hope i absorbed something!

Big sis says she is going to slimming world - we did this a few years ago and she does well on it so i wwish her luck. she is not as big as me and not as fat so i reckon she will try to lose 5 stone instead of my 8. she has a holiday in Canada next year to spur her on.
4.4....awesome :D :D :D
Its saturday and my little angel goes on holiday to his dads for a week , will miss him but i deserve the break!

so this morning we have been dancing and trampolining and making ourselves look pretty so his daddy wont think i am wallowing in self pity without him- i mean its only been 2 years!

just having my first shake now, which is a bit of a pain, but not really 'wanted' it until just now.

Thats trampoline is damn hard work lol, threw in 3 sets of 12 crunches for good measure. Tonight when i get in from either bowling or cinema i might whack the ole tae bo dvd on since i havent done it since last TUESDAY!!-

On the date thing, i havent spoken to colin for a few days and wondering if it will even happen as we never arranged a time.

GOing to be a lonely week next week, my friend is off on a dog handling course, my babe is away and i dont really socialise with my sister or parents. booo hooo for me, means more time for swimming and drinking water :)
Well monday and some news.

Was soooo bad last night ref the diet, yet sooo good ref the date.

so meet colin for a few drinks (soda water) and he is actually quite cute!! Bit shorter than what i go for but he is really nice. smart yet casual dress, nice beardy goatee going on. Quite funny and very friendly. all in all we got on well, so after a couple hours he suggests something to eat.

I had mentioned i was on a diet but not a TFR . So wrongly i ordered steak strips and spinach. I guess i felt akward not eating . so i ate. but i feel fine about it and if we go out again i will be straight and tell him how it is for me ref food and drink. He says he used to be bigger and showed me his pic lol, such a difference.

Well i have been the norm with my shakes today and intend to not do the eating thing again.

Positivelty brings results!!
im still totaly all about the diet! .
WOW 666! I am so happy for you! Sounds like youve got yourself a catch there! And steak and spinach isnt the end of the world you know! I guess you are straight back on plan? GOOD! Just be honest with Colin next time you meet, im sure he will be understanding and supportive! And i told you he wouldnt run a mile! So be a little kinder to yourself in future, you are beautiful!

Diane xx
Wooo well done :D
Although I already commented on your weight loss in Jellbabies diary I thought you deserved some praise in your very own diary too. :party0049::party0049::party0049::party0049::party0049:

I just wanted to ask, that now you have lost 32lbs I think it says in your ticker. Do you feel a difference now, even now that your clothes sizes are smaller?

Great job by the way, what a great motivational tool it is to be able to read about others success stories.

Love Gemma
Seriously depressed last few days

Its been a mix of emotional **** that led me to a horrendous binge.
Seeing my ex, getting my son back from his holiday, being taken for a mug and liking someone who will only ever be a 'friend'.

I thought i had got past all the emotional **** and i had turned a corner. the last 5 weeks went so well. Then i hit a huge hurrdle and fell face first into 4 iced doughnuts and 2 pop tarts.

So im back on day one today. Im ****ing pissed off at being weak willed and pissed off i cant deal with how i feel. TOTM aswell but i cant blame that since i managed fine last month.

Just need and want something, but i dont know what it is.

So back to day 1 week 1 for me.