Rainbow is leaving SW again! x

Ha - bless you, but if you]'re not well, you're not well mate! Im going out now but will be back later xxx
taz why don't you go into work and try and get sent home early?

rainbow it's good to give your nails a break from acrylics so they get some oxygen to them...so your fickle ways are doing your nails a favour ;)
when i went on holiday for 2 weeks last year i came off plan, ate anything and everything in site, however i did walk alot too, and i only gained 1.5 lbs! just enjoy yourself - i think i would be sad if i did SW on holiday and it would ruin it for my boyfriend too.
Hiya Rainbow

I've just been peeking through your diary, mainly the last few pages not the whole thing I have to admit! Well done on your amazing loss so far and your 2lb this week!

Are u still thinking about doing a VLCD? I'm sure the right answer will come to you and as people have said its your decision and yours only. Part of me admires those succeed with VLCDs for having that willpower but I also find it sad when I see posts from people torturing themselves cos they ate 1 malteser the night before...

Hope u have a good weekend and a nice holiday x
Part of me admires those succeed with VLCDs for having that willpower but I also find it sad when I see posts from people torturing themselves cos they ate 1 malteser the night before...
I am totally with you on that one, it is really sad that people feel so restricted. I could never do it and I'd hate to not be able to have my favourite foods whenever I want
Well ther ya go then Karen - all for the good of my nails, they do look weally pwetty now though! Oh yeah Im totally off plan for hols, we'll prob be doing a lot of walking too so all will be good!

Well wanabe10 Im still undecided about the VLCD, I just dont know that I can do it, but as Ive said before I might do it even if to prove that I cant do it - f that makes sense! When I come back from my hols I might do what BF and these lot on here want me to do which is join SW again, and get back into it 100% and then go from ther!

listen to your fella! you know he makes sense.... men don't like to see their partners as diet freaks and find it quite a turn-off. but SW looks like normal eating to them so they're quite comfortable with it all. lol
Yeah I bet of it does come down to that! It doesnt help that he doesnt even see why Im doing SW so a VLCD to him is alien! x
my boyfriends idea of a diet is skipping breakfast, having a packet of mini snack-a-jacks for lunch and whatever you want for dinner!

it worked for his sister but she's about 8 stone and was around 9 or 9 and half when she went on her 'diet'! she makes me laugh though - she's really small and dainty but she can't half put the food away when she's in the mood to. she looks really cute when she's shoving food down her!

i mentioned the side effects of those tablets you can get from your GP which stop your body absorbing fat. i didn't say i wanted to go on them (which i don't) and he ranted saying i'd rather have you bed bound than s******* everywhere!!! lol he cracks me up so much! he said if i farted in my sleep he'd end up covered in s***!!!! hahaaaaaaaaaa
Lol - bless him!! My bros GF weighs about 8 stone and she eats and eats and eats ALL of the time! - its not fair!

Well I just wouldnt come on here then Sue!!! No, I know what you mean though and even if I am heavier when I get back its not going to be by much and I'll have had a sooper dooper time! xxx
even if i put on half a stone i won't mind too much - as i will have had a great time. i felt so bloated last year i thought i'd gained at least half a stone and it turned out to be 1.5lbs!!!

i'll just get back to class and carry on.
I wont be disappointed with half a stone cos I know it will come off as quick as it went on. I have no in between either Sue - Im an all or nothing kinda gal! x
I have found in the past if I get back to the diet as soon as I come back its does come off quickly, probably hasn't had time to get comfortable with the rest of the fat lol:D

Lol - yeah not had chance to merge in! You can liken it to the whole debate about pounds as being guests, visitors, squaters etc!! x
OK ladyeez - Ive just phoned a new SW consultant....... ok ok so she wasn't in but Ive made the first step by phoning! Im going to arrange to go to a Monday night group about 10 mins drive from my house and hopefully am starting on 1st September! I WILL give it my all this time just like I started off last time xxx
Im actually quite excited - I am obv that kinda person that just cant do it alone, I need to go to a group! She sounded really nice on her answer machine and if shes not I'll just trawl through leaders until I find a good one - lol! I'll be like Lou going from one to another! Thanks Sue - yeah I can cant I, and I wont feel bad cos I know I'll be doing something bout it when I get back xxx
I might change class because mine is so boring, I think if you are staying for over an hour you want to get something out of it, not just finding out who lost or put on what. When I'm motivated I can do it on my own I just get disheartened when I'm not loosing for no reason, thats when going to a class can help if the leader is good. This forum is really good and very supportive xx