Rainbow is leaving SW again! x

I'm doing ok thanks hun, still losing all be it slowly, but faster than when I first started. Its quite hard doing this alone though, have to admit. I am having some blood tests done tomorrow to see if I have a Thyroid problem, it runs in the family.

My jeans are getting too big for me and last week I ordered a new belt off Ebay, automatically ordered the extra large size and its WAYYYY too big for me, so will have to order the smaller size yipppeee (that feels good to say that:D) Although I haven't lost stacks since I started my ticker, I have been slowly doing this over last year too, so all in all, I have lost a couple of stone now in total:cool: People are noticing it now too and I have to say it feels nice:)

It is a really good feeling isnt it?! Well done you. I love being able to buy things and not have to try them on! I got a really nice feeling this morning, I put my wellies on and previously I had to yank them over my calves and they rubbed and were baggy lower down my legs as I couldnt pull them up as far as they should have been iykwim - but anyway.... they are now slack and fit like proper wellies, so I must have lost a considerable amount of my calves! xxx

Love it
I didnt think the good people of Beverley needed to be subjected to me in a grass skirt and coconut bra! - it wouldnt have been the best look! xxx
The host wore a grass skirt and coconut bra but had a vest and leggings onn underneath! x
and it was chilly so she couldnt have JUST worn that! xx
lol!!!! x
Yup I did thanks Gem it was busy busy busy - you? I cant wait for my holiday now, especially seeing as its raining!! what you up to today? xxx
Is it your scooter rally thing this W/E? We go away on Wed, fly at 4.30 I cant wait - yay here comes Vix with a sun tan! We're going out tonight and BF is off work tomorrow so I can do any lat minute bots and bobs then but I think Im about sorted! (oh but I cant find my camera!) xxx
yeah - we go to the isle of wight on friday afternoon and come back monday, but we're not sure if we will do the entire weekend. i think once we're there we won't want to come back early - i certainly won't!

we both go to work on tuesday and wednesday next week, then we fly out on thursday! it's practically here!!! ARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!
is it the flight you're cr**ping yourself over?! how long is the flight? x
yeah i absolutely HATE flying. it sends me into panic mode. my stomach turns whenever i think about it and when i see planes on the tv at the moment i feel sick! it's crazy i know but i'm the worst flyer EVER!

the thing funniest thing is the flight is only 1 hour 20 minutes!!! i really am a t***!!! lol
It doesnt matter how long it is though if you're scared you're scared. my OH is a terrible flyer - he's worried bout it now too! Im bounding around saying how excited I am bout the hol and he's like 'hmm, well I will be once we're there safely!' XXX