Rainbow is leaving SW again! x

which traffic cops was it - i.e do you know which area? Cos traffic cops isnt normally/always on on a wed night though is at? its oftens on on a monday night at 9pm. I like watching real life police things.

thanks in advance for doing th survey! my knees much better now thanks, its a little swollen, but with my weight falling on it thers no rea wonder. thanks, its so pretty up there x
which traffic cops was it - i.e do you know which area? Cos traffic cops isnt normally/always on on a wed night though is at? its oftens on on a monday night at 9pm. I like watching real life police things.

thanks in advance for doing th survey! my knees much better now thanks, its a little swollen, but with my weight falling on it thers no rea wonder. thanks, its so pretty up there x
tbh i wasnt watching it i was on here,watched the moto gp b4 that from valencia stoner won yipee..so what you got planned for the rest of the week?it looks really pretty maybe 1 day i ll get up that way for a hol:)
hmmm - yup he did, but rossi still won the chamionship...... so we were a happy house. Haydens going to kick stoners arse next year (we're rekconing)!!! We went and watched it at Donington in the summer - atmosphere was great! I'll look on BBC i-player for traf cops. yer you should, it'll be a very long way for you though wont it xxx
yeah its great i had a fantastic time when i went last year..i ve been to the world super bikes the year b4 and that was great..i dont reckon he will hes a bit of a jessy..yeah it would be a long drive but prob worth it
I love it....
oh and can you stop talking motorbikes please.. I come on here to get away from all that rubbish ;)
Morning ladyeez. Yer I like police interceptors too, and road wars, street wars, cops with cameras, but traffic cops is my fav. Thats what Id love to do for a job if I wasnt a teacher (and I was fit enough!) Never been into/watched superbikes, only got into the bikes cos OH is, so it was either get into it and be able to talk about it with him or stay uninterested and feel left out and not have a clue what he was on bout! Do you have a bike VS? Not a bike fan Ems?! Yes thanks Taz, Im getting my hair cut and coloured today - so that will be nice. Its chucking it down with rain though - and I dont want my new do to get wet!!!! hows everyone else today?/ x
Morning.... it was motorway cops special last night but was a repeat... I love everything like that too, and air medics etc.

Ohh have fun at hairdressers, I'm off to the dentist!! xxx
I'll have seen it before then, it annoys me that I get excited when I start watching it and as soon as it starts I know Ive seen it before! Oh - what you having done? thanks, I wanted short, but OH said he doesnt think it'll suit me/he doesnt want me to! xxx
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Get yourself a rain hat... very stylish. Im sure your hair would look good shorter.. but not too short. I was disappointed that Motorway cops was a repeat, and NO i do not like bikes.. sorry.:eek:
Just a filling and a scale and polish......

OMG though - she told me to rinse after the scale bit... it was all blood!!! Ewww.

I had my eyes closed whilst she was doing it thinking "it's just like a manicure but for my teeth".

Don't have to go for 6 months now. Yippee. x
I'll watch it later on the pc as my laptops speaker doesnt work (I couldnt listen to Haydens band thing on facebook, only watch Ems!) So tonight, I'll log on upstairs and do both! Luckily I didnt need the rain hat, had it coloured this morning, am really pleased with it, going to get it cut this afternoon at a different salon, Im very particular about my hair! I'll post pics later so you can all see what you think. Ive never had a scale and polish, but like the thought of it being a manicure for your teeth!! xxx
bless em - bet you're proud of him. I know Lou, two salons and best part of hundred quid later - will get photos on in a bit (I.e once Ive taken some!) x