thanks for it in a nut shell taz lol!
Laurie - Yer its only the councilling that different (well thats my understanding) How many foodpacks dya have a day on CD? you have 4 on LL. I got used to the fact of not eating before I even started the diet, I got my head round the fact that everyone around me was still going to be eating what ever they wanted and that I wasnt able to (well I was choosing not to!) I also decided it wasnt going to stop me having a socail life, i still attend things, been to weddings, partys, kids party, hen night etc etc since starting and Ive just not eaten, its as simple as that. I drink between 3.5 - 4 litres a day and have found that relatively easy, I have it in sports bottles. I dunno if CD have something similar but LL has a powder that you add to water that gives it a flavour, Im having st clements orange flavour at the moment. I was so excited to start and am now just so excited for the next weigh in. Im more motivated now cos Ive reached a 2 stone loss and have got into the 14 stones, so the 13 stones seem much more within reach lol. good luck, keep us informed xxx