Thank you all for kind words. Strange how I just feel too fragile for Exante at the moment. It sounds so weird I know. But I thought rather than making a big deal out of re-start, I will just one morning pick up a shake and take it from there.
@ Lynne - You are right about reading diaries and keep posting even off plan. I never feel like I want to, it's almost like my guilty conscience prodding me. But you are quite right, it does help to get back into the frame of mind. and I think your idea of a 4:3 sounds quite sensible. I have thought about doing a half exante, half low carb diet. But I an't quite get my head around stuff at the moment, things are tough in work for me and the dark/cold is getting me down big time.
I'm going on holiday in two weeks time, very impromptu booking, super cheap deal, and it's all inclusive! I'm not kidding myself, I think I will go for it full throttle, I mean it's coffees and lovely breakfasts and cocktails...But I have decided until then to calorie count but still have one Exante shake in the day, probably for breakfast, just to make sure I get some proper nutrients. No point trying to re-start Exante and go through it all again only to be back on the carbs in a fortnight.
On another note, I have been thinking about buying an exercise bike but am mega scared of assembling it, anyone got experience with them? Any recommendations as to what bike to get? Cheap and cheerful are the main requirements