Hey, thank you all for your kind messages. I am feeling a lot better chest wise. Unfortunately, my back decided to really play up and I have been in a lot of pain with it. On top of that, the dad of a close friend has been taken ill, quite suddenly, and he's in hospital waiting for scans and tests and they have no idea what's wrong with him, he went from a vibrant 60 year old to a frail old man who's barely there in about a month! So hard to watch.
I must admit my diet went completely and utterly out of the window. I'm kind of paying for it now in that I'm not feeling my brightest digestion wise which is no surprise, lots of food my stomach isn't used to at the moment plus extra codeine isn't doing me any favours right now. But I do want to get back into Exante and will give it a good try again tomorrow. For today, I'm still on antibiotics and lots of tea and honey so I'm far beyond ketosis at the moment.