Carpe diem
Sheesh I feel like I've been on the razzle! :sigh:
I couldn't unwind last night so ended up going to bed some time after 1am. Then I lay there unable to sleep until almost 2.30
Kept waking up throughout what was left of the night and then woke up at 7am, couldn't get back to sleep so thought I might as well give up and come downstairs.
I know what's done it - worry about my dad's results today. I was like this last week when the hospital rang up and cancelled the appointment. I hope they don't do it again - I couldn't bear going through this again.
My dad is very, very ill - his cancer is terminal already (prostate and bone) and he's in considerable pain most of the time, even with his morphine patches. If the mass in his lung turns out also to be cancer then it won't change the already bleak prognosis but it'll just make what's left of his life even more awful. I'm terrified that my dear dad will suffer horribly towards the end - he doesn't deserve it. I doubt if they'll offer treatment if it is cancer - just pallative care is my guess.
His appointment is at 1.30 so if anyone want to send some positive vibes into the cosmos at that time, then there's a very scared 'little girl' here who will very much appreciate them.
I couldn't unwind last night so ended up going to bed some time after 1am. Then I lay there unable to sleep until almost 2.30
I know what's done it - worry about my dad's results today. I was like this last week when the hospital rang up and cancelled the appointment. I hope they don't do it again - I couldn't bear going through this again.
My dad is very, very ill - his cancer is terminal already (prostate and bone) and he's in considerable pain most of the time, even with his morphine patches. If the mass in his lung turns out also to be cancer then it won't change the already bleak prognosis but it'll just make what's left of his life even more awful. I'm terrified that my dear dad will suffer horribly towards the end - he doesn't deserve it. I doubt if they'll offer treatment if it is cancer - just pallative care is my guess.
His appointment is at 1.30 so if anyone want to send some positive vibes into the cosmos at that time, then there's a very scared 'little girl' here who will very much appreciate them.