Grrrr - just wrote my post and then lost the darned thing when I tried to submit it!
Anyway - just had lunch
1/2 grapefruit with 1 tsp sugar = 80 cals
200g pot of low fat cottage cheese = 140 cals
3 x dark rye ryvita = 95 cals
Mixed green salad with sweet chilli dressing + 1tsp low fat mayo = 50 cals
Sub total for today = 365
I warmed the grapefruit in the microwave for 20 secs today: made it much easier to eat.
I know I shouldn't weigh myself every day - but I just can't help it! I need to know immediately if the scales are going in the wrong direction and my diet needs 'tweaking'.
Anyway - hopped on this morning after three days of my new regime and saw, to my amazement, that I had lost ... (wait for it)

Yep - 7lb in three days! I've never lost that amount on a conventional diet before - not even in that first 'golden' week when you lose glycogen. that's because I'm insulin resistant and consequently my body not only hangs on stubbornly to every pound but I regain it super-quick is I eat refined carbs.
I've been having half a grapefruit before every meal as an experiment after reading a report by Japanese scientists which said that grapefruit has an effect on the way the body metabolises carbs / sugars. The repost said that this may have a positive effect on the weight loss rate for people who are insulin resistant.
Anyway - grapefruit or reduced cals ... I'm chuffed
I'll be carrying on with the grapefruit. Can't hurt as part of my 'five a day' and who knows, it might be having the magical effect I was hoping for.