All in all it's been quite a nice day today! I feel relieved that I've taken the first steps towards sorting our chaotic finances out (just got to shake the sand out of my ears now

I'm still grinning about my bargain charity shop jacket (gotta love those guardian angels!

): I feel much better about going into Uni on Monday now. I feel I've achieved something today and want to carry ontomorrow whilst I'm on a roll.
My tasks for tomorrow are
a) get the template letters from the CAB printed off ready to send to those who are chasing my tail.
b) go to the library to see if they stock the books I need at Uni so I can borrow them instead of buying.
I took my little dog for a walk to the park a bit earlier. She's in season but I feel mean keeping her cooped up so decided to go out but kept her on the lead. I ended up in what looked like a scene from Benny Hill with a stream of boy dogs following us around. I told them all in no uncertain terms that Pepper will require a ring around her paw before she gets up to any of THOSE shennanigans!
Oh - just remembered I wanted to share another of my (odd) weight observations ...
When I was trying some T-shirts on today, I noticed that if they didn't fit, I mentally thought "Nope - I'm too fat for that". But when I was thinner and something didn't fit, I used to think "Nope - it's too small for me"
There might not seem to be a difference but I think it's subtle. When I'm really big, I see the reason for something not fitting is that
I am too big (the fault is with me). But when I'm thinner, the reason that the outfit doesn't fit is because
IT is too small (the fault is with the outfit).
Just more subliminally negative thinking that I've identified. Once recognised though, I think I have a better chance of combatting it. (or maybe I'm just a crazy woman! lol)
Diet-wise, I haven't been very good (although I haven't been a demon either) - but I'm mentally preparing myself for a new start alongside the new Uni routine on monday. I'll just be 'watchful' that I don't go mad over the weekend.