I took some pain killers for my headache last night but this morning I've awoken with a fuzzy residue of pain ... not banging - just there in my temples. I know that if I keep drinking the water, it WILL subside.
I weighed myself this morning and am already a few pounds down (I know I shouldn't scale-hop ... but I can't help it

) so I feel a little better that things are turning around. At least I'm not seeing the number 17 on there anymore!
I can also feel a difference in my upper midriff where the glycogen is depleting from my liver - it doesn't feel so distended and as I'm ditching the carbs, I'm feeling a bit less sluggish too. All good stuff.
I was thinking about my visit to the doctors yesterday. I went because all the stress I'm under is starting to manifest itself in physical symptoms: heaches, palpitations, disturbed sleep, weird dreams etc. I said I didn't want any drugs - I need my wits about me for what's ahead. Anyway, he's referred me for some counselling ... probably a good idea to help me untangle my thoughts (might even help me with the binge eating thing).
He asked about my weight (no surprise there - go to the doctor's for a sore toe and if you're overweight they start talking about your diet!

). I said I'd regained loads over the last 4 months because I'd been bingeing. Know what he said?
"Portion control is the key here." WTF?? Binging is about a lot of things - portion control isn't one of them!! Would he say that to an alcoholic?
He offered to send me to a dietician :sigh:
He obviously doesn't get it. Binging isn't about nutrition or greed or lack of knowledge about diet. I could probably reel off the calorific content of anything he cared to mention and I know the nutritional difference between an apple and a cream bun. When I'm eating, my meals are very well balanced, healthy and portion sizes are fine. When my head goes into 'that dark place' it's rarely at a meal time and I don't eat - I binge. I don't taste what goes into my mouth really ... I just chew and swallow, over and over until I can't do it anymore. Then I sit back exhausted, like I've been in a fight. Well I have been in a fight I suppose - a fight with myself.
I don't profess to understand why I do it but I know I'm not alone.
Anyway, it just bugged me a bit. Thought I'd get it off my chest.
Right - on with the day