It all went fine. We arrived at the cemetary and the little hole was already dug with astro turf around it and some white tape for lowering the casket down.
There were only a few of us there - he'd already had a big service when he was cremated so this was just a final closure. The funeral car arrived and the director got out carrying a burgundy velvet cushion with James' ashes in a walnut casket placed on it. On top was a gold engraved plate.
The casket was placed on the tape and my sister and her two remaining children took one end each, the funeral director took the fourth. James was lowered down and finally laid to rest.
My mum asked if I'd read my poem out (I hadn't intended to) as there was no minister and she felt that something should be said over the grave. I read it out and was ok until halfway through when my voice quavered and I broke down a bit.
Anyway, he's there just a few feet from his two cousins (my son and niece) who are also buried there.
A chapter closes.
When I left for the interment, DD3's boyfriend was packing to go back to college. When I got back, he'd gone. The shock was that DD3 then broke down and said they'd split up and he wouldn't be coming back.
He's lived with us for over two years so we'll miss him: he was a nice lad.
I did the mum thing and gave DD3 all the usual cuddles and comfort. I said that relationships often have a 'shelf-life' and sometimes even run beyond that because the relationship starts to become less about love and more about habit <remembering marriage #1 here!>
Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when things come to an end though.
Anyway, she's getting a bit of emotional TLC from me and DH at the moment - there will be time to gee her up another day.
What with the CAB, the interment, shopping and a heart-broken DD, I'm quite shattered. And the cherry on the cup-cake is that I ate a chunk of cheese!
I don't think it was emotional eating, I just don't have any bars and so miss chewing!
Oh well - we'll have to see if it's made any difference on Monday!