I'm feeling very sorry for DD3 at the moment. She's 20, living at home and broke up with her boyfriend of two and a half years (who also lived with us) last Thursday.
That's upsetting enough for her but since then, not only has he been a total b*****d but his 'new' girlfriend (the one he cheated on my DD with) has been a top-class cow too.
He sent her a message saying she'd 'brought it on herself' because of her paranoia (she suspected he was cheating - he was) and last night, the new GF sent DD a message saying that if she hadn't been such a 'fat ugly cow' then he wouldn't have left her.
DD is a gorgeous, sweet, loving girl and doesn't deserve this abuse. I've told her to block them both and not indulge in any more contact. She feels really hurt and almost bereaved as the nice young lad who lived as a part of our family for two years has done a Jekyll and Hyde act. He even said that, throughout the two and a half years he was with DD, he never loved her and thought constantly about this new girlfriend (she's an old school friend).
Talk about sticking the knife in and twisting it!
DD is now going to quit college and look for a full-time job. She's despondant and fed up with having no money. I'm supporting her in whatever she has to do to get through with her self-esteem intact. She has the qualifications to go to Uni already and says she'll apply to start next year. In the meantime, she wants some money so she can learn to drive and kick her heels up a bit; something she's never done as 'he' was her first boyfriend.
Some people are just so cruel