After almost a week in hospital, my dad STILL hasn't had the fluid drained from his lungs. Apparantly he's having a CT scan first to ascertain what's caused it (they think that the cancer has progressed to his lung).
Of course, there's a queue for the CT scan so he's booked in for early this coming week. It's all pretty stressful for him with not knowing quite what's going on.
He's been told several times this week that the procedure was going to be performed that day just to get to the end of the day and realise it wasn't going to happen.
Last night, my eldest daughter picked my mum up so I could have a night off but it ended up as anything but. My sister who lives in the road next to mine went away to Turkey for two weeks yesterday, leaving her 16 year old son to look after the house (it evidently isn't cool for someone with such kudos to holiday with one's family

Whilst she was being taken to Gatwick for her 8pm flight, my mum rang to say she'd driven past my sister's house and there were a load of youngsters in it. She'd stopped off to have a word with my nephew but didn't manage to get anyone to leave.
She was really worried abot my sister's house and what might happen if the party escalated. Hubby and me went round and, by that time, there were in excess of 40 teenagers there with more pouring in as we arrived. Some were hanging around outside putting their beer cans on the roof of my sister's mini.
I saw red and told the perpetrators to get their ^$*&ing cans off the car and then accidentally poked one of them in the eye with my brolly. Luckily, they didn't see fit to remonstrate with me: mind you, by that time I was practically thermo nuclear so they probably thought better of it!
Inside, hubby cleared them all out of the house ... it was a worrying time as lots of them were the local scumbags and thieves, who'd think nothing of laying the boot in. Fortunatly, hubby is firm but diplomatic and managed to get them out without a fight erupting.
I lost it with my nephew: half of Gosport's criminal fraternity now knows what's in my sister's house and that she's away for two weeks ... I was hopping mad!
Luckily, the party was ended before it really had time to take hold and apart from some chewing gum spat on her tiled kitchen floor, there was no damage to my sister's house. My mum had called the police and they arrived and took statements: they said that because of type of people that had been there (all well-known to the police), there could be stuff nicked that might not be noticed straight away and that my sister could contact them if she discovers stuff missing after she gets home.
After everything calmed down, I got my 19 year old daughter and her 23 year old boyfriend to sit with my nephew for the night and went home to phone my mum and tell her everything was calm and my sister's house was still standing!
She didn't need this stress and that's what made me angriest ... GRRRR kids!!