My Mazda failed its MOT on Monday

It was chiefly on 'wear and tear' items ... brakes & exhaust. I got a quote of £333 for the garage to do the work, provided the brake calipers were OK. (whateva!)
Well, Mr Mechanic phoned yesterday to say that the calipers were seized but that he had managed to free one and was doing the other ... but that it was going to cost a bit more.
"Oh yes?" said I, "How much more?"
"Well, I can't give you the exact amount," says Mr Mechanic, "but it won't be any more than £370 max"
Ouch! We just don't have that sort of money floating about begging but after robbing Peter to pay Paul (Peter is now chasing us), we scraped up £370.
Today, he phoned and said, "I couldn't unseize the caliper so I've had to order a new one."
"Meaning what, precisely." I replied.
"Well, the bill now comes to £415."
That's when I flipped out. In a calm, controlled but 'don't f*** with me' type of voice, I said to Mr M,
"Yesterday, you said the bill would be
NO MORE THAN £370 ... so £370 is all I'm prepared to give you."
He stuttered and spluttered a bit but after saying he didn't want to lose my custom, he said he'd fit the caliper and bear the cost himself. Result!!
Moral of the story seems to be ... we don't have to lie down and be stomped on. There are times when it's worth standing your ground