Just got back from the vets where I paid £27 to find that my little dog, Pepper, ISN'T pregnant - oh well, at least I now know for sure. It's such a beautiful day ... looks like Summer is here at last so I decided to take Pepper and DD4 for a little walk along the beach whereupon Pepper decided to 'go to the loo': it was at this point I noticed that some kind soul had removed the little tub of doggy poo bags normally dangling from her extending lead.
So, without any poo bags but not wanting to leave her 'calling card' on the promenade, I searched my bag for a substitute. All I could come up with was an A4 sheet of paper used as a shopping list. Let's just say the air was blue above me as I tried to gift wrap a pile of steaming dog poo in full view of passers by taking their morning constitutional!
I have to say that, walking in the warmth of the sun, I wished more than ever that I'd stuck to the diet and was slim and trim instead of piling it back on and finding myself backslidden to 6st over my goal. I have nothing nice and Summery - I look like how I feel: a dreary, frumpy drudge!
Still, I prefer the nice weather regardless and the kids can now start enjoying a proper Summer (for as long as it lasts!) I said I'd drop them down at the beach on my way to taking my mum to the hospital so I think that's the plan for later.
DH has an appointment at the Urology Dept of a different hospital this afternoon so after dropping my mum off and having a quick visit with my dad, I'll shoot off to St Mary's and meet DH there (he's terribly nervous about the whole thing - understandably).
I think they're letting my dad go home this evening which is great for us, but apparently my dad was acually starting to settle in and enjoy the hospital routine!

I think it's because, at home, he just sits in the flat and can see very little (they live on the top floor in a block of retirement apartments) but in hospital, there's always something going on - there are different faces passing by and everything generally 'buzzes'.
Right,time for a coffee