Well.............. I have come on to post a confession and get a major kick up the ass!!!!!
I feel soooooooooo angry with myself and ashamed. I have sadly had the worst day ever.
I signed my decree absolute to finalise my divorce and I have been getting victimised and bullied at Uni.
It all kicked off this morning. Because yesterday I had finally had enough of the way I was being treated and the nasty comments and jibes from a select few of my so called fellow students, I went to the head of the faculty to put in a formal complaint of bullying and harrassment. So, this morning at Uni was horrendous. I was called all the names under the sun, told to watch my back at all times, told I was a useless, grotesque, ugly fat ***** and I would get what was coming to me!!!!!!!!
Bearing in mind this is supposed to be an adult learning environment, it is Uni not playschool, and the fact that I had done absolutely nothing to warrent this treatment, because I made an official complaint and the Uni has a zero tolerance policy for bullying or discrimination of any kind, they will be put before a disciplinary panel and will probably be excluded from the course permanently. This has been going on for quite a number of weeks and there is only sooooooo much a person can take.
Sadly I let it have a negative effect on me and I think when you get told something often enough you start to believe it. I ended up eating toast with butter on it in Uni at breakfast time, at lunch I had a cheese toastie and then I came home and had 3 bowls of suger puffs followed by even more buttered toast.
Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am in self destruct mode and I have not stopped crying since I came home. I really hate myself for being weak and breaking my diet. I know these people have brought it on themselves and even some of the tutors have noticed them alienating me and it is totally out of order and because I have found the strength to stand up to them I am feeling the aftermath and it is really not a nice position to be in. It is unbearable!!:cry: