Had a good week food wise, although someone on my fitness pal commented that my calories are too low. Does anyone else agree with the fact that eating too few calories is really bad? there is so many vlcd out there that go below what i am eating and they continue to lose weight? Most of the time i am over 1200 sometimes i am only just over 1000. Should i be worried?
Thanks Tara, i dont feel the need to snack anymore - i just eat at meal times and that seems to be enough. I think it all evens out in the end with me eating more at the weekend.
Lost 3lb this weekthat means i have met my first mini goal
Thanks Tara, i dont feel the need to snack anymore - i just eat at meal times and that seems to be enough. I think it all evens out in the end with me eating more at the weekend.
Lost 3lb this weekthat means i have met my first mini goal
i am made up Rosie, thank you
My christmas goal was to lose 40lbs, my final weigh in day is wednesday next week as we are travelling to england that evening. I wont make that goal but i am happy enough with what i have achieved. It would of been nice to get there but i am close enough.
VLCD are designed with the idea of getting into Ketosis or restricting the amount of carbs, so there is a but of a difference when it comes to low cal and the VLCD's
but im sure if its a case of your not hungry, and still only having 1000 eating healthy meals then i really cant see a problem with it.. if you were doing extreeme exercise with it, that is where i will say yeah you need to up the cals, as you will burn yourself out.
if you are constantly tired though, and feeling tired and run down, then i would suggest going to 1200 cals or more.
toofatkat said:In a word- yes. Vlcd are not good and the majority of people who use them put the weight back in plus more. I was on another forum a few days ago and one of the stats they were talking about was hoping to be one of the 5% who keep the weight off!!! That's not good.
Why would you want to starve your body though?
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Rachgleeson said:Thanks for your advicei do always take everyones advice on board, otherwise i wouldnt be asking for it. I appreciate what everyone has to say. I agree Tracy this is a diet for life, or should i say a healthy lifestyle?? sounds better than calling it a diet.
Kes i drink loads lol, i live on the loo. I drink about 8 pints of water and cups of apple detox tea on top of that. Forgot to say i also take a milti-vitamin at night time too.
Well got totm today, so am feeling extra hungrygood job it was weigh day today. I have eaten way too much, hopefully got all the totm cravings out of the way. Craving fizzy pop too which i dont touch much at all normally.
BUT what I should have said is that there's no reason whatsoever why all of us on here can't be in that 5%!!We just need to be constantly vigilant and aware of the dangers.
Here's an interesting article:
Research shows trying to lose weight alters your brain and hormones so you're doomed to pile it on again | Mail Online
Rachgleeson said:Thats one interesting article, quite scary really. Doesnt give us much hope does it haha
Rachgleeson said:Thats one interesting article, quite scary really. Doesnt give us much hope does it haha
Rachgleeson said:i think it makes us more determined to be in that 5% when you read statistics like that. It can be done we all know that and have seen others do it. I lost alot of weight last year but put it all back on with a couple of pound extra so i know where they are coming from with that article. Thanks for sharing it, i am sure the others will be interested in reading that too.
Forgot to say you have done amazingly Tracy, well done :clap: