I agree with what everyone else is saying.. And I agree with the idea of no sweets/ crisps etc during the week..
My kids have choc and sweets etc on Fridays and almost none during the week.,
Snacks when home from school. Apples, bananas, almonds, other nuts. Maybe 1-2 plain rich tea biscuits and loads of yogurt - carrots etc .. No bread and butter or bread and honey before. Dinner.. Dinner is the same for everyone., in our house - I cook one meal and that's it eat it or go hungry ., my oldest son has decided not to eat his dinner and a few times went to bed hungry.
Dinner is put on table TV off, they have 1 hour to eat their dinner, or until 7pm (apart from weekends) then if they have not finished its bath and bed time.. Ok I shout and make them eat if they are being silly..
What I put on plate, small spoon of mash or boiled potatoes, rice 1/4-1/2 cup, pasta about a 3/4 cup as 1/3 goes on floor and some left in plate..
Meat: stew etc one large spoon/ scoop, 1/2 steak, 1 chicken leg plus bit of breast meat (100gs ish)
Veg: carrots, broccoli - 3 pieces, cabbage small amount.. To try sometimes, only sometimes peas/ corn - maybe 1-2 mth. Peas/corn high in carbs and they all ready have carbs on plate
No pudding! Except in summer if they finish dinner quickly they can have ice cream
If still hungry more fruit or yogurt
Weekend: snacks - popcorn salted, fruit, 1 packet crisps - if they ask, 2 packets juice only, water or milk other times, 1 packet choc buttons, 2 biscuits - if asked, fruit bowl is full of apples, satsumas, bananas. Yogurts in the fridge - for fruit and yogurt they don't need to ask just help them selves, juice, and the treat box they have to ask.
My sister in laws ignore all my requests not to give my sons a whole packet of Jaffa cakes, choc buttons and juice every time .. I ask them to give almonds and fruit etc - but they just do what they like.. Very annoying!! I'm lucky my boys take after their dad (so far) and are not over weight., but I need to keep an eye on my 3 year old as he likes choc and sweets more than my oldest son.
School lunch; 1 juice packet, 1 yogurt tube, 1 ham and salad sandwich, or honey sandwich. 1/2 apple cut up, 5 almonds/ pecans 1 plain biscuit. - my sons just started football and I put a BIG apple in his bag with a of bottle water. I notice other mums give choc etc afterwards my son is proud of his really big apple lol
My sons like mcds - but only on weekends - I don't give chips/ potato shapes or nuggets for dinner. On the weekend I might give oven chips for lunch with salad bits (tomato, cucumber, red peppers) and an omelet
On the weekend we often get Chinese they have 1/2 portion of noodles with chicken each.
No pizza for the boys, and only sometimes for us.
No fish fingers, baked beans for breakfast with eggs and toast not as a veg/ carb for dinner
Breakfast: Cheerios/ cornflakes or cooked eggs and beans with toast.
I make homemade Haricot beans/ navy beans for dinner every few weeks with homemade cottage cheese and toast. Is more like a soup..
I force my boys to eat the meat and veg on their plates and if they want the mash/pasta/ rice eat it too but meat and veg is more important for growing boys.
Spaghetti Bol with rice or pasta and broccoli etc
Hairy dieters lamb tagine
Omelette with boiled potatoes and veg
Steak and mash plus veg
Chicken wraps with salad
Roast meal with trimming
No special kids meals - just good food, cooked fresh most days

What a lot of info - if it helps alright

I know it's hard figuring out what to do, and then actually doing it. I was lucky and was given a book on feeding kids when I was pregnant - cant remember the book - will find it for you. Really helped me

a lot of the mums I know cook 2 meals every night . Can't be assed with that!! Good food tastes nice - learn to eat it and like it or go hungry.

. Best bit of advise - hard to stick to, but I have even when my sons crying because he didn't eat his dinner in time - next time he ate his dinner and even now if I say eat it or there's nothing else he eats as he knows I mean what I say!