Redhead Exante Diary

Day 15 completed 100%! Suffering from TOTM cramps and bloating but not craving carbs like I normally would. Any other ladies suffer with changes to your normal cycle whilst on Exante???

Breakfast: Lemon Bar
Lunch: Indian Dhal
Dinner: Chocolate Coconut Bar
Sneaky mid week weigh in this morning as I located my collar bone for the first time in years yesterday so knew I had lost some more. I have 3 days left of the week but the scales are reading a loss of 4lbs which takes me to 26lbs lost altogether.... it would be amazing if I lost another 2lbs by Friday making it 2 stone lost! I love this diet! x
Just keep drinking the water and keeping yourself busy and you will drop into ketosis soon. I knew I was in keto as experienced insomnia for a few nights.

I am actually doing no exercise at the moment as my main focus was to get into a routine with the diet but am going to start to swim every day when I return to my workplace next week!