Silver Member
May I gently suggest again that you cut back on vigorous exercise? You already know that your punishing routine exhausts you and makes you hungry, which places you at a greatly increased risk of overeating. It seems that you are using the exercise as a 'trade off' - to allow you to eat more without gaining. It also seems (of course I could be wrong!) that by focusing on the physical you by extension neglect the psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects, all of which are key to recovery. Exercise has become your second master. The first is carb-dense food. We allow ourselves to be ruled by otherwise healthy things such as exercise. Working out, running, spinning etc are fine if you are taking-in enough food. When you are alternating between eating very little and eating everything in sight, exercise is never going to provide a cure. It's just another obsession which still controls you. I was addicted to exercise. That, too, became ritualistic. I punished myself day after day and tried to live on little more than fresh air, and I became very ill. Like I said before we often substitute one addiction for another. What you're trying to do is become free of unhelpful rigid thinking and behaviour. Very early days yet, so please don't let the old 'failure' tapes run in your head. There's no magic wand for our problems! Just hard work x