Morning all. DD yesterday went OK. I ended up at 820 cals. It was my 4th DD and definetly felt a bit easier.
But the really good news is that this morning the scales said 9.11.75. Whoop! Whoop! So I've broken through that 9.12 - 10 stone range that I've been in for weeks, after just 10 days Juddding. So the Juddding seems to be giving my metabolism the boot up the backside that I'd been hoping for.
I spent yesterday reorganising the kitchen, cleaning out cupboards and having a general sort out. I should have been doing coursework for my teaching qualification, but ............
Today therefore I should be doing coursework, but ............
Im planning a run as soon as I've got the kids off to school and then I'll sit down and think about whats too eat today.
Oh, by the way. I read Dr Johnsons book last night. I can't say I really learnt anything I haven't already gleaned from his website and this forum.