amazing what silk flowers can do.

the fish are mabuna cichlids,the blue are powder blues.
awww i liked the honeys but could never keep them,
they always died on me,not great with guppys either,
only got 4 in the little tank , still i don't mind.
baby tadpoles seem to be doing ok,they're like slithers of black glass,very hard to see,the parents are still *cough cough* busy
but think they're just doing it for fun,as there's no more spawn.
pudding,they are super easy to heating needed,bit of land
and some water,and a closely fitting lid,and away you go

but don't forget the live food though.
anyone here, hear what they're saying about meat now ?......
apparently it's not good for you..... feck sake...whats next..
don't breath oxygen you'll grow an extra hemeroid...