hi everyone,hope you're all well.
Alpaca....there are lots to choose from,and they range in difficulty
type in frog tanks on youtube,and have a look at some of the set ups,people have made,from super basic,to totally awesome.
i'll give you as much help as possible if you want

blehhhh don't really like smelly fishie things lol
well i think i'm a pound down,so that's something.
filter on one of the tanks went kaput yesterday,which sent me into
a flappy type thing,been and bought a new one today,however
the problem i have now is this........
while out and about with OH we happened by argos,and took a little strollie inside and a flickie through the pages,where upon
we came across a rotisserie oven..ooooo said I,a rotisserie
we've been looking for one of those,typed in the number,and low and behold from 99 odd quid down to 46,well had to buy it,such
a bargain say I

,so my chickiedoodar is cooking right now
yumm yumm. i also wanted one of those Air fryers,but they're still at silly prices,and i can't stretch to that,now that i've found out that the holiday company,will charge if your payments are late,something like 25 pound each week ? so need to be a little wise with the spondoolicks.
news from the critters....
more frog spawn

tads growing well,and a couple of them eagerly chomped into a catfish pellet

good sign there.
booked in my critter carer for july,so that's a weight off my mind.
feel bloated a little today.need to drink more water.
chicken salad tonight.
eggie snake perhaps ?