news on the critter front as follows.....
bearded dragon sulking,you'd have to see him to know what i mean,really,he's taken himself off to his bed and not coming out !
moved his tank over the other side of the living room,as the birds
flying past the back door frightened him,but is he happy about that.....noooooooooo....such a child lol
Tree frogs have come out of hiding,and are a fresh bright green,so their happy campers.

tads are coming along nicely,however i think i need to add a mini filter,or air hose,as the water is so still,not circulating,don't know
if that's a good thing or not,and the folks i sometimes talk too on the amphibian pages,have frowned upon the possibility of cross bred frogs,some one suggested i should flush them......i don't think so

so i'm going it alone....finding out all i need on the internet,and writing it down.....i can do this ! don't need their help.... ner ner nee ner ner.....
happy mothers day,to all you lovely mummies out there,and to the non mummies.....happy you're lovely too day. :flowers:
well water to prepare for fishes and frogs,so i'm going to hop to it,and quit my jibber jabber.
i have a hankering for a nice big chicken salad today,and snackie poos of boiled that's what i'm going to have.