Have you ever had one of those days where you go out full of good intentions but don't seem to do anything? Well I had one of them today.
I have been to the council to return a form they wanted me to fill in about rent/council tax benefit and was served by a boy who was young enough to still be wearing nappies! I was really good and took all the info they needed, proof of bank accounts, tax/child credit and a wage slip, but was that enough? Oh no!
the boy also decided he needed previous months bank statements, and more wage slips! So, as I get paid monthly I have got to take in my next two wage slips as well as my next two bank statements! Why do they mess you around like that? Ok, I could understand the next wage slip and statement but why two?
Anyway after I went to the council I went on the market to get my dog a new I.D. tag for his collar. His name is Billy, he is 1 year old and we got him from a shelter in Oct last year. Billy is a yorkie/Norwich terrier cross and soooo loving. He is full of fun but don't like loud noises. If you drop a pan lid he will get under the table and not come out for hours. He also has a widdling problem! If we have been out, even for 10mins, he is so pleased to see us that he piddles on our shoes! Now as soon as we get in we ignore him until the back door is open, then we say hello to him outside! Anyway, his new tag cost £3, and then I went to tesco's. I really only meant to buy 4 things in there, but somehow when I came out I was £37 pounds lighter, and had so much shopping I had to get a taxi home! And I forgot the milk which is one of the things I went in there for!!!!
Tip of the day:- take a shopping list with you, and stick to it, or you will end up like me, Skint, with a fridge full of stuff you don't really need, and drinking black coffee which you can't stand!