rosie's Diary:- the good, bad nd downright ugly!

Awwwww, thank you for your concern, bookseller, no I don't have a hotty botty, but good news is ............MY NEW HEATING IS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The men have got to come back tomorrow to finish off a few things, but it's all over bar the shouting.:D
I am now cuddled up next to a hot radiator and i'm in seventh heaven! The amount of brick dust everywhere is frightning but worth it.
I made an executive decision last night to send out for Chinese :)break_diet:) as my oven is a gas oven, and as the gas was off for 36 hours, I couldn't cook and my poor son was fed up with toast and micro meals. Not sure if it will affect my weigh-in on Monday night, but I think there's plenty of time to work it off (finger's crossed :eek:).
Was reallygood today, had 2 weetabix for brekkie, prawn sarnies for lunch and morrison's lamb shank in minted gravy (free on red days) with cabbage, cauli, and carrots for tea. I have enough milk left for my usual milky coffee before I go to bed, so am well happy!
I will leave you with my diet-breakers thought of the day:- just think how much you would weigh now if you hadn't taken that giant step and done something about your weight,.

So pleased to read that you have heating once again!
Dont panic about the chinese meals Hun, you have had to have something in you to keep you going!!
If I hadnt had surgery and done something about my weight then I would be 6ft under by now. At 21 stone 7lb and getting chest pains at 33 is not a good stage to be at in your life.....very thought provoking that one!
My dear mrs v, it is so easy to get used to being big, isn't it? My mum was diagnosed with prostrate cancer 2 years ago and as i was the only unemployed one of seven children it sort of fell to me to become her carer. So for 2 years I had no thoughts about how big I was as I was too busy. Don't take me the wrong way, i'm not moaning about being mum's carer, I loved her loads, but I don't think it would have hurt for one of my 4 bro's, or 2 sisters to have said to me "I'll cook mum's dinner/tea today," or even "i've got a car so instead of you getting a taxi to the hosp. i'll take her".
Anyway, mum was always contrairy, instead of dying of cancer, she decided to fall out of bed one night and died two days later of a blood clot on the lungs! Silly woman.

Well the builders have gone :D and they have left a trail of brick dust everywhere!!! I went to get a clean pair of knickers out of my drawer, and found them covered in dust! So i'm hoping that doesn't mean the workmen were having a rummage through them! ;)
I'm at work 8-6 tomorrow so all major tidying up will have to wait till sat. The only thing I have kept spotless is me kettle and coffee jar.
The new system is a revelation to me, I can have hot water any time of the day now without having to programme the boiler! I only have to programme what time I want the heating to come on. :)
Tip of the day:- if you decide to defrost some leftover cooked xmas turkey, make sure you do it where the dog can't get it, or your turkey curry will just be a vague promise!!!!
Well, hello all
It's been 6 whole days since I last wrote and this is due to my lap-top being very ill. In fact it was so bad it nearly died a death, and the techno Dr diagnosed a bad case of viral infection and took it straight to the hospital.
Luckily the good doctor worked his magic and saved my lap-top, and I went to collect it today, all fully recovered.
As i'm soooo pleased to have it back I shall leave you with my joke of the day:- Husband is on his death bed and say to his wife "I want all my money to be buried with me"
"ok" replies his wife. the man dies a few days later and after the funeral his friends ask if she had carried out his wishes. "Of course I have" she says, "I wrote him a cheque!"
Lol Rosie, just read through your diary and its hilarious!, glad you're enjoying your tropical climate in your house!, have you phoned that young man yet???
Hello, Rachelina,
I didn't ring him, but did slip him my No. which he rang to say Hello! We are actually going to the flicks on Mon. night (after weigh-in!) to see some horror film. I can't remember the last time I DATED but hopefully I will remember what to do! (Is it politically correct to kiss on a first date?!)
i must just tell all you lovely peeps that at Mon's weigh-in I had lost 9.5lb! This was over 2 weeks as I had the builders in (really!), but this now bring my weight loss up to 25lb in 5 weeks.
I know that this really quick but know it will slow down eventually. I keep thinking that if I hadn't taken that first step through the door, I would still weigh in at a mighty 24st 9lb.
OK, todays thought of the day:- every lb of weight you lose is 8 sausages! Why don't you all count exactly how many sossies you have lost? It might surprise you! (I have now lost 200)
OMG I have lost 104 sausages then lol!!!, wow you have your first date on Monday? that's fab, yes of course you can kiss on your first date if you want to, just go with the flow hun and be yourself and have a great time

Well done on your fab weight loss, you are doing great!
Well, I am just back from Morrisons, having just done the weekly shop. What an ordeal that was! Can anyone tell me why pensioners feel the need to park their trolleys right in the middle of an aisle, then wander off?! Or why the most vital thing on my list is never in stock?
I did cheer myself up by going into the caff and eating lunch there, though. It cost me just £3.49 for a jacket pot with beans and salad, a vanilla mullerlite yog and a coke. I think that is really good value and as I am on a E.E. day that mean it was syn free!
There was a bit of excitement when a shop lifter tried to do a runner, but he was caught before he left the car park with packets of bacon falling out of his trousers. I think they were unsmoked, (the bacon not his trousers!)
I am having a lazy afternoon, just listening to the footie on the radio, and maybe I will put the wash. mach on.
I will leave you with my joke of the day:- two men playing golf. One is about to chip onto the green when he see's a funeral pass the course. He stop's mid swing, takes off his cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer. The friend say's "wow, that is the most thoughtful thing I have ever seen." "Well, we were married 35 years" he replies.
just a question for all you peeps who read this ramble of mine! I imagine most of you are doing SW, but did you consider doing any other diet? I have a sister who is on the cambridge diet, and I have come to the conclusion that I could never do that. And the reason why? The agony she was in when she was trying to have a poo! The poor woman was on the loo for over half an hour, straining, and obviously in agony. I imagine that any change of diet would cause your body to re-act in some way, but just the thought of sitting on "a ring of fire" even for 1-2 days is a put off for me!
Not only that, but i wouldn't miss the Sunday roast I just had for anything!
Anyway, work tomorrow, and I have come to the conclusion that it's the combination of starting work and starting SW together that has me losing fat at such a quick rate. So hooray for work and hooray for SW!
I was going to leave you with a tip of the day, but got a brilliant joke instead:- A man goes to see a wizard and says "Can you lift a curse that was put on me years ago?"
"Maybe" says the wizard, "if you can remember the exact words of the curse".
The man replies without hesitation, "I now pronounce you man and wife!"
I tried Cambridge before as I wanted to get the weight off quickly but I couldn't do it for more than 2 weeks, yes you lose loads and after the first few days you don't feel hungry but you do feel constantly deprived as you can't live a normal life on the diet, I just found this part of the diet unbearable more than anything else, not being able to eat with my family was torture. I would much rather follow SW so I can still have a life and lose weight albeit slower
Am writing in black today as I have a major headache! No, it's not a hangover before anyone asks!
At weigh-in yesterday I lost another 1lb of fat, not a lot compared to other weeks but going in the right direction. I think it must be coming up to the time of the month, all the signs are there:- headache, sore boobs, swollen ankles, snapping at everyone, but I get all this at least 1 week before the actual event!
ANYWAY........... last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, did I enjoy myself! Out on the town, (well city really!)gorgeous man, lovely meal (yes, I did quietly count syns!), a good film full of slash and gore, and just a quick kiss goodnight with a minimum of tongue! (sorry if you prudish)
It went so well we doing it again next Monday as well.
Right am now off as my boy has decided he is staaaaarving hungry, and the washing needs to be transplanted into the tumbler!
I will leave you with a recipe for balls in tomato sauce, a fav. of mine as it's done in the micro so quick and syn free on red day:-
half lb extra lean mince
half a beaten egg
half tsp chilli powder
1 onion, finely diced
1 tbsp water
7oz tin tomatoes, chopped
half tbsp basil

mix mince, egg, chilli powder and seasoning. roll into small balls and put onto a plate. Cook on HI for 9 mins.
Heat water for 30 seconds, add onion and cook on HI for 2 mins. Add tomatoes, basil and season. Cook on HI for 6.5mins, then puree. Pour sauce over balls to serve.
Hi Rosie!

Wow...a date??!!! Are you going to see each other again? It sounds as if you had a wonderful time!
Well done on th weight loss so far Hun, you are doing so well!
I have also tried, tested and failed CD...I like your Sister suffered with severe constipation..even the thought of going to the loo used to make me cry!...never ever again thats all I can say! Another friend that I know lost some of her hair through CD too!
Hi, mrs V,
I have noticed your weight-loss so far and can't wait til I get that far in my journey! Maybe by then I will have plucked up the courage to go swimming. I can't buy a cozzie in my size yet, and if I put on the 1 i've got I look like a tightly bound sossie, with all the filling bursting out! :eek:
Had hilarious day at work today, everyone was in a funny mood, and my favourite tramp decided to pay me a visit! The first I knew was when the smell hit me, then an over friendly hand pinched my bum!!!
George (That's his name!) once more asked me to marry him and when I politely declined, asked me if I'd like a "quickie" in the station loo! How romantic is that?
When I stopped laughing, I once more declined, thanked him for the offer, and told him a little white lie that I was a lesbian, thinking that would be a nice way to put him off me. Did it work? Did it h*ll! He kindly informed me he didn't mind and could set me up on a date with him and a woman he knew!
He really is a lovely man (!) and it seem a shame that people get themselves into situations like he is in. :sigh:
Well, thats enough from me for one day!
Will leave you with my tip of the day:-Find an old plastic jar with a screw-top lid, make a slit in the top, then super-glue the lid on. Then for every lb you lose, put x amount of money in the jar (I am putting £1 per lb). As you have glued the lid on, you can't "borrow" any of the money! Set a time period, and when that is reached, open up the jar and treat yourself. If you are really clever, get your other half to match what you put in!
i don't feel to well today, have got a throat that feel like sandpaper, and have to keep nipping to loo as well! Because of the toilet situation I haven't strayed out coz there's nothing more embarrasing to me than creating an "aroma" in somebody elses loo! Also there's the noise issue, how awful is it in a public loo if the woman in the booth next door can not only hear what you are doing, but smell it as well?
But enough of that lovely subject!
I am cuddled up on the sofa with a hot milky cup of coffee ( i may be ill but I can't do without my coffee!) and the dog has decided that I must be playing a game, so he is trying to dig his way through the duvet to my feet. I don't usually have naps mid-day but think I might today and who knows, I might feel better when I wake up.
Well, thats it for today, am soooo poorly I don't even have a tip/joke/thought of the day!
so bye-bye and I hope you all don't get what i got!!!! xxxxxxxxx
ahhhhhhhhh - come on, we need a tip or a joke for the day! although ive just caught up on the last weeks worth so im not feeling deprived, but people who have read up to date will be needing one! so glad the date went well, its such an exciting time isnt it! hope you're feeling better hun xxx
Am feeling much better today, thank you all! Still got sore throat but am keeping it under control with sucky sweets! Am coughing well, tho' and keep bringing up great wads of phlegm (yuk!)
Had to go into work today, as can't afford to take time off and Fri's hours are half of my weekly wages! I wasn't too bad there, only coughed when I had my fag/coffee break. I don't know why I still have to smoke when I know damn fine i'm going to cough my guts up! but i have been smoking since I was 13, which is (whisper) 31 years ago. The only time I gave up was the 2 times I was pregnant, But started again as soon as baby was born.
The time is now 11:16pm and my tired little eyes are drooping! If i'm lucky i'll get thro' the night without waking in the middle of a cough-fest!
Joke of the day:- an elderly man is on his deathbed. He can feel the end isn't far off, when he suddenly notices a wonderful aroma. He realises his loving wife of 60years is baking his favourite food, scones.He finds the strength to drag himself to the kitchen, and as he reaches his frail withered hand up to the table, he suddenly feels the whack of a wooden spoon, as his wife barks, "B*gger off, they're for the funeral!"
Well, It's official! Norwich City Football Club are crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am listening to the match on the radio and we are drawing 1-1. Going by previous results that mean we will lose by approx 4-2. I am seriously thinking of having my Norwich tattoo lasered out! But I won't because a true fan support their team thro good times and bad, altho' we are having more bad times than good! Maybe we will win, there is after all another 45 mins to go.
Did my usual shop at Morrisons this morning, and as usual I forgot the most urgent item on my list. I religiously write a list every week and either A) forget it, B) lose it, or C) Morrisons don't have whats on it!
I am having a day out at Cromer (seaside town) tomorrow. My brother is taking me and my son, and yes, I will be having fish and chips! You can't go to the seaside and not have them!
Anyway, tip of the day:-Now spring has nearly sprung, think about growing your own fruit/veg. Even if you only have a tiny garden, a lot of things can be grown in pots, like strawberries, peas, runner beans and tomatoes. Just think of the pleasure you will get from popping out the back door and picking your own, plus think of the money you will save!
Well, a quick update, footie finished a 1-1 draw, a point won, or 2 points lost? We are still in the relegation zone but am hoping things will improve soon
Have just found your diary - brilliant in fact so good I was supposed to be starting a meal ages ago and soon it will be 'we are starving'
Love your tips keep them coming.