Big, busty and Blowsy!
Awwwww, thank you for your concern, bookseller, no I don't have a hotty botty, but good news is ............MY NEW HEATING IS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The men have got to come back tomorrow to finish off a few things, but it's all over bar the shouting.
I am now cuddled up next to a hot radiator and i'm in seventh heaven! The amount of brick dust everywhere is frightning but worth it.
I made an executive decision last night to send out for Chinese
as my oven is a gas oven, and as the gas was off for 36 hours, I couldn't cook and my poor son was fed up with toast and micro meals. Not sure if it will affect my weigh-in on Monday night, but I think there's plenty of time to work it off (finger's crossed
Was reallygood today, had 2 weetabix for brekkie, prawn sarnies for lunch and morrison's lamb shank in minted gravy (free on red days) with cabbage, cauli, and carrots for tea. I have enough milk left for my usual milky coffee before I go to bed, so am well happy!
I will leave you with my diet-breakers thought of the day:- just think how much you would weigh now if you hadn't taken that giant step and done something about your weight,.
The men have got to come back tomorrow to finish off a few things, but it's all over bar the shouting.
I am now cuddled up next to a hot radiator and i'm in seventh heaven! The amount of brick dust everywhere is frightning but worth it.
I made an executive decision last night to send out for Chinese
Was reallygood today, had 2 weetabix for brekkie, prawn sarnies for lunch and morrison's lamb shank in minted gravy (free on red days) with cabbage, cauli, and carrots for tea. I have enough milk left for my usual milky coffee before I go to bed, so am well happy!
I will leave you with my diet-breakers thought of the day:- just think how much you would weigh now if you hadn't taken that giant step and done something about your weight,.