RugbyKirstys Road to Target

servived uni without a glitch :)
Went into uni for 1 oclock, and brought 2 snacks and a shake with me. I had those and was starving by the time I got home. So ive just had a mini baguette pizza, 8 mini woffles and lots of salad. I even had enough cals left for a fruit corner Yogart. So nothing else for today, but im flup anyway, and those left over doughnuts are still sitting in the Kitchen ---- will power or what! I better have lost weight this week!!!!!
Good work resisting the pesky doughnuts Rubykirsty87! :D

Another day, and another tricky day but i can get through it. Im seeing my sister, neice and nephew today, and then im off to meet my boyfriend at uni, before going to see his family. So im going into superdrug to get some meal bars and snacks and then ill be able to have lunch round my sisters and then all i need to worry about my evening meal.

So far ive had a shake, and thats it.
What a day!!

Today has had a couple of twists and turns but I think ive managed okay.

I went to my sisters as planned, having only had a shake, and then she asked me what i would like for lunch a bit later. As i had bought my meal bars and some snacks with me, I was going to have that, however, my nephew is a very inquizative 3 year old so would ask what I was eating. So instead I had .....

2 slices of granary bread (Hovis),
i cant beliieve its not butter, light
1 portion of choc spread

I noted down all the calories did all the calculations and I was treated to some tootie fruities (80cals for 15 sweets, and there was 30 in a bag, i ripped the bag open and counted em) anyway with all the adding up done with all this and the choc spread on toast, I had 101 calories left from the 600 I would have for my evening meal. So my plan was to have a bar for my evening meal and I could have my snacks as planned as I hadnt had any of those either, and I would still be 101 calories for the better, so I had those left over from lunch (Following so far.......)

Anyway, I went to meet my boyf and on the way to his dads he said he was having fish and chips from the chippy, so I said okay, and thought how could i get around this and still hopfully not ruin the diet....

Instead of having my meal bar, I had a childs portion of chips, and 1 unbattered sausage. Ive posted on the calorie counting forum to see if anyone knows the calorie content on this. And ive still had none of my snacks . So im hoping that by allowing 610 calories for this meal with be enough and save me from having gained weight (610 comes from 210 for the meal bar, the 3 snacks (300 in total) and then the 101 cals left from lunch).

So thats what ive had today, and Im due on tomorrow so feeling a little bloated, and bleh but im going to get up early tomorrow and do a workout and try and burn off what ive eaten from tonight. I flipping hope ive lost weight this week!!!!

---- side note----
The reason for not just sticking with the meal bar was because when we were going to my boyfs dads we were having dinner as we didnt know when we'd be home. So it was like a family meal, or else I would have had the meal bar.
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I just had to take a photo to show that the doughnuts are still on the side and havn't been touched.

Ill post later on about my day and food wise. just about to cook a yummy omlette :)


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Busy Day Today..

Hello All, Me again. :p

Well todays, not gone badley at all. It started quite slowly, but then I met a friend and we went to the market and stocked up on fruit and veg and then went to iceland and got some frozen meals.
So beginning of the day I didn't have anything until about half 10. I got up late, and that was my breakfast meal bar, then about half 12 I had a snack of a SF chocolate fudge bar.

Then i met my friend and we went to the market, I got some bananas, Lychee (Never tried them before until last week when i was doing food tasting at work), and I got some apples, and satsumas. Then we took a trip to Iceland where I stocked up on weight watchers ready meals, a couple of snacks that kinda thing. Then popped into Superdrug to get a tub of Vanilla powder and some meal bars, as one box has vanished.

So, that was my shopping, Today ive had

Meal Bar (summer fruit bar)
SF Chocolate fudge bar - snack-
Meal Bar (summer fruit bar)
Omlette and salad for dinner (Omlette was 3 eggs, 30g of grated cheese, and 50g of Turkey Ham (calorie counted to 490 cals)
So i had 100 cals left from dinner and my 3 2 left over snacks. Ive had a fruit corner yoghurt for for 200 cals so i have 110 cals left so later if I feel like it i may treat myself to a curly wurly bar which i put in the freezer.
Sunday again already....

Where is the time going? Its already the 22 January so only 2 more weigh ins for the january challenge.

Im sitting watching the biggest loser USA, giving me the motivation to actually want to do some kind of exercise once ive done some uni work.

I have another day alone, till the evening when my boyfriends back from work, he has a longer day on Sunday compared to Saturday, so ill be alone til 7 o clock. So my days going to be devided into uni work, catching up with my mum and grandma on the 'phone and then do some zumba workout on the wii, or the biggest loser wii game.

So far, today Ive had a meal bar and 2 satsumas (my snack), im debating if I should have my cooked meal in the afternoon and then just a shake tonight. May do me some good, then I can burn it off for tomorrows weigh day.

Im feeling like I want to eat and nibble at everything. Flipping hormones, sucks....

So ive decided to have a 'cooked' meal now as Im feeling really hungry. Ive had a Sausage Roll, with Salad and brown sauce. That added up to be 460cal for the sausage roll, but soooo worth it, and then Salad 16 cals, and the brown sauce was 19 cals. So thats 495 cals.

I have a packet of small crisps, which is another snack, and later on im going to have a curly wurly from the freezer and then when my boyf gets back ill have either my shake or meal bar, and a snack if i feel like it.

Ive done not a lot of uni work today really. Feeling a bit pants, so ill do some work and then maybe a sleep and then a workout.

Hope everyone else is doing well xxx

edit - ive had a small time out as a snack
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All i want to do is eat everything... :(
Turned the day around .....

Well , I had a good start to the day today but then it went badley wrong but I hope i havn't mucked it up too much.

I had my Meal bar this morning, and 2 satsumas, and then my lunch was my Sausage Roll and Salad as I mentioned above. Then things went a bit pair shaped.
I had a packet of crisps (a snack), then I had a time out bar (I had 105 cals left from lunch) and then I got pekish so had another small time out bar (85 cals) and a small apple (50 cals approx)

So I didnt want to go over cals with having a meal bar so ive had a small Weight Watchers Yogart (55 cals), and a Turkey Ham Salad. (20 cals for the Ham and 22 cals for the salad)

So if my maths is right, by changing what i had for my evening meal, I havnt gone over, and havnt done any damage for weight in tomorrow.
Great Loss.

Im soooo happy. I lost just over 3 and a half pounds this week. A nice change from last weeks 4ozs.

I have struggled this week, admitedly, but i think its proved to myself that I can adapt to slimfast working for me. Cant believe ive lost that much in a week.

Also , i didnt cave in and have anything extra to eat, which was great, and went to bed craving a curly wurly!!

Ive surpassed my 50lb overall loss, and im so close to being classed as just overweight. I will get there, slowly but surely..

So far today, ive had a lovely lie in with the other half, been bliss. just got up and had a slim fast meal bar and thats it. My weight will not beat me. I will get to target!!
Update on food:

So, ive had 1 meal bar, and decided to have my cooked meal in the afternoon so ill have a shake tonight.

My 600 cal meal was a mini pizza baguette, (256 cals) and 6 mini waffles (195 cals) and lots of salad and some brown sauce = 451 cals + 0 for salad (100g is 22 cals and i didnt even get 50g out the packet) and 19 for brown sauce = 470 cals with 130 cals left over.
ive had a curly wurly from the Freezer so thats my meal sorted for the day. The CW is 115 cals.

I havnt had any snacks yet, so I have some skips for when I want them and then i have my shake and 2 more snacks for later. I may do some zumba later on, but im really not feeling to well.


Edit -----
As well as above ive now had a Weight Watchers Angel Delight, (snack) and my meal bar for dinner. So i have one snack left, but Im not hungry at the moment.

Tomorrow, is my long day at uni. Goodo, with a small break inbetween 2 lectures, but then im meeting a friend for dinner and its at Nandos so im spending tonight planning my meal, so i wont go over and I may even be able to have frozen yoghurt :) Wohooo!!
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I had a terrible night last night. I went to sleep minus 1 snack, and for some reason I was in soooo much pain. Overall ive had about 4 hours sleep, if i was lucky. I ended up sleeping in the spare room as I didnt want to disturb my boyfriend.

This morning i woke up and couldnt stomache either a shake or a meal bar, so I had one small weetabix and a splash of cold milk. (im gunna have that as my snack that I didnt have last night.

I brought with me to uni, my meal bar (brekkie) and some SF Pretzels (snack ), a mini timeout (snack ) and an apple and satsuma (snack) So I have a meal bar and my 600 cal meal. Im off to meet a friend for dinner tonight and im going to nandos so ive planned my meal of 1/4 chicken breast, regular chips and a corn on the cob. Thats all 600 cals. As ive had no meal bar today, if I fancy it I can also have a frozen yoghurt :) This is all for if I get the adults menu, if not im gunna look at the childrens :)

Im so determined to get 2lbs off this week, then ill be under the 13stone mark and into the 12s. The lowest bracket ive ever been in. Roll on next Monday.

Ive also walked to the sorting office (20 mins each way) and gone into town shopping and brought heavy bags home. xx
Well I have come back from Nandos and ate everything according to plan. I tried to get away with the childs menu but I wasnt allowed to order out of it.

So I had 1/4 Chicken Breast - 135 cals
Chips (Regular) - 357 cals
Corn on the Cob - 99 cals
2x Frozen Yoghurt- 180 cals

All That = 771 cals, but I didnt have my meal bar that was 210 cals and my main meal was my nandos that was 600 cals.
Wednesday already, who would have thought it.

Well, so far I have had a banana (100 cals) and a meal bar (brekkie). I have work this evening , so Ill probebly have my cooked meal at lunch time again.

Thats all to report so far .
Im cooking my meal now instead of later on this evening. Im having 1 mini pork pie. (i love these but will limit these to 1), and 4 mini woffles with some salad. This will be about 450 cals, so it will bring 150 'extra', that i can have inbetween my dinner and when i leave for work. I still have two snacks left, so I may have a curly wurly, as then I know it will be walked off on my way to work :)

Ive had my curly wurly whilst having some me time before having to leave for work soon. ive had some wotsits as another snack, so when im back from work ill have one meal bar and a snack left when ill have an apple.
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Confession time:

As well as the above ive also had 4 rich tea buiscuits (3 is classed as a snack) a shake and another mini porkpie. I walked really fast to work so hopfully ive worked at least the pork pie off.

Still... another day tomorrow. Draw a line under this and see what happens. Im doing zumba for 45 mins tomorrow, after ive at least planned my ethics essay.

Undoing the bad

So after yesterdays debarkale im back on the wagon.

I have had a meal bar so far and thats it, so ill have a snack at about half 11, then a meal at about 2 and then another snack then a shake and then a final snack before bed.

I have a plan of what im doing today, so im hoping if i stick to it, ill be okay.
So, off to do my planning for uni assignments. So over the weekend i can write one up on Saturday and then another on Sunday.
Hi RubyKirst87 what are the meal bars like?? I've been tempted to try them as a change from the shakes, bit worried they'll be over to soon, whereas I can really eak out sipping my shakes so i know i've had something.

I had a off the wagon sort of evening yesterday too, but back on again today!! Glad i'm not the only one :)

im starting to like the meal bars more then the shakes. They are quite filling and also quite chewy. I like the Summer fruits one for brekkie and then choc one for lunch if I had two of them in a day. I cant stomache choc first thing in the morning..

Well today, I seem to be going from bad to worse. I went out with my boyfriend after I had planned my assignments and we ended up going out for a meal in a local pub with 2 friends of ours as they had money off. Instead of having 3 courses like everyone else did (for example Garlic Bread and Cheese baguette, or Potato skins filled with cheese and onion) I stuck to no starter, and then I had Gammon, Chips (about 200g) and Big Tomato with Salad and then I had a hot chocolate instead of icecream, or sundaes like everyone else had.

So overall I suppose I havnt done too badley. I have also not had 2 snacks so, I had 800 cals for the meal, as I took a snack bar out with me, which i had at lunch, as I didnt want to wait till half 6 when we had the meal.

Im going to get my haircut tomorrow, then Zumba time finally. So, hopfully I havn't done much damage, if any? I really want to get below 13stone.
Well, after posting in the main forum (light bulb moment), Im back to sticking on plan today.

I have so far had a shake and a banana.

Im off to have a haircut soon, and then ill be slogging it out on the bike whilst watching Loose Women. Ironically its when my boyf is at uni so it means I can watch the corny tele, and exercise and it doesnt have to be infront of him! Wohoo!
hi, i have just read all of your diary, you really seem to have this sussed dont you well done, i am just curious why were you not able to order from the childrens menu in nandos, its one of our favorite places to take the kids for a treat, i was thinking that's what i would probably do to save the cals.
i have just started my own diary, even if no one responds its there for me to hopefully as i lose weight go back to to see how i am feeling, they are a great idea arent they keep up the good work.