RugbyKirstys Road to Target

Well todays not going to be a great day diet wise as I have my valentines meal tonight, so ive got healthish snacks throughout the day. I have a kinda long day at uni, aswell as the having a presentation I have to do which im dreading.
I have been asked to go to quite a few places to eat this weekend, which I have to say Im going to have to decline the Toby Carvery. I would have eaten in Pizza hut in the same day (have planned that meal), so dont fancy two lots of eating out. Im so close to being 12st 11, that its just that little bit further away from being 13 stone..

I got a lovely pressie from my boyf today. A big ballon thats a love heart, a teddy with a love heart saying i love you and two lots of underwear. He now knows how hard it is to buy underwear for me. Its much better then when I was bigger! x
Ohhh I also bought some jelly too... Scrummmmy!
Good Morning,

ooooo your dinner yesterday sounds yummy! and well done on declining Toby Cavery . . . think that would be alot of temptation seen as you can basically eat as much as you like lol!!

aw bless ur bf sounds like he did well on the valentines day front! Me and my bf are exchanging pressies tonight. . . got him a lush little cupcake with writing on it and some other bits. :) but tonight we are going to have Dominos yummmm so diet is out of the window. but its only for one night and i weighed in this morning and have lost 2lb!!! wahooooo! so i've lost 12.5lbs in 5 weeks. . . .soooo happy!! only 1.5lbs till a stone!!! :)

x x x
Woooohaaa Huge congratulations hun, thats great.

Im just so determined not to put on any weight this week , so Ill have to see if all my planning has paid off. a 3lb loss this coming week would make me exstatic.

I got my boyfriend a huge card, and then a monkey that says ' Im bananas for you', and a pint glass that says Sexy Lover or somthing like that. Somthing really corny. lol I just hadnt a clue what to get him. I May get a ring for him next year ;)

He did really well on the pressie front for me, and I have to say that he didnt get anything tarty either. He has very good taste! :) xx

Im hoping hes cooking for me tonight too...
oooo yes Valentines day is always a tough one for guys isnt it!!! i find chocolate and some sort of novelty gift from ann summers does the trick usually lol!

oooo a ring!! dont forget its a leap year this year!! 29th Feb!!! :) xx

Yer i hope he cooks for you, M&S food is lush isnt it!!! hope you enjoy!! i think we all deserve to forget our diets tonight!!! :) x x x
I think as im being carful throughout the day, and this is the longest time I can get rid of any excess weight till next weigh day. Im definatley going to forget about the diet, but not blow it tooo much. I may go on the cycling machine before the boyf comes home from uni tonight.

Yep a ring would be great, I wouldnt propose this year, we are just coming out of uni in June, so wouldnt be sensible, but if he was to do it for me.... Oh heck id say yes. Ive never met someone like him before, ever. Hes just amazing.

M & S food is great isnt it? He works in M and S so we get a good discount too, he came home from work on Sunday and he had a bunch of Roses for me.

He can be a romantic :)

So today, Ive had A slim fast meal bar (brekkie)
A glass of milk (Was still hungry)
Ive taken with me to uni, Some mikardo sticks.
Squares (Snacks)
Apple (snack)
haha aw how sweet! me and my bf met in a very random way and we are sooooo alike and have been inseperable since we got together (13th April 2010). I added him on fb thinking he was someone else, a friend i knew at college. Turns out it wasnt and from 10 in the morning till 10 at night we were talking, met up like 4 days later and that was it!!! so wierd how we met and how alike we are!! amazing though :) we are best friends as well as bf and gf - think its important in a relationship to have a good friendship as well. We have just got a mortgage too on a brand new two bedroom flat - our first home together :)

Yes M&S is delish!!! ooooo it would be dangerous if i had discount there!! yer, just relax a bit tonight and dw about the diet but i think we wont go too crazy.

Can't wait for this day at work to be over with!! x x x
Awwwh thats so sweet.

I met my boyfriend online too. I messaged him on plentyoffish and we chatted on and off for 3 weeks, met up and within 2 weeks I just asked him how many dates would we have to go out on to become a couple.He said r u asking me out? I said yes and he said well hello girlfriend!

He goes to the same uni as me, and is even in the same year. He basically stayed round mine from day one, and then i moved in with him to his student house, as I had some problems with my housemate and then we moved into our own flat in May 2011. Absolutley amazing. We are both getting used to living together as we have never lived with a partner before. Its becoming all domesticated.

We have never had a day of not speaking to eachother, even when he went on tour with a theatre company, nor when he had a week camping. I miss him when hes not with me, and hes my soul mate and best friend. So understanding with all my disabilities and hes just amazing.

My own aim in life is to become a mother and I wont be able to unless I lose weight, so this is what keeps me going..

Ahh 3 more hours and a blood test to go before home. Roll on 4pm! xx
aw thats lovely! same with us! i think in the 2 years we have been together we must have only spent about 14 nights where we havent stayed in the same bed. Horrible when we dont! miss each other like mad!!

blood test!? o no . . . is this for the problem with your ribs etc? roll on 5pm!!! :( have had a shake this morning and have a choc shake, some french fries and a Jelly waiting for me and im STARVING. . . tying to hold out a bit though x x x
hope your blood test went well!

my bf did good!! i just got a bunch of beautiful flowers delivered to my work!!! im a very happy gf :) x x x
Awww thats so sweet.

Yep the blood tests to check out my liver function and kidney function. It was horrible but luckily over before I knew it. I just know im gunna have a lovely big bruise on my arm too.

I dunno whats wrong with me but I had a sandwhich at uni as I was starving and now I just feel the need to scoff. Todays gunna be a right off me thinks! Sad but true. So with the above, Ive also had A chicken sandwhich (i still seemed to look at the calories on the packet, this was 330 cals) and a curly wirly (115 cals) and a WW cookie pack (84 pack)
omg i feel the exact same today! duno why but i just want to eat, eat, eat! lol i cant wait to eat dominos and some chocolate later! i mean i've had two shakes and a packet of french fries today so still got two snacks left and 600cals for din obviously this will no where near cover the cals in a pizza haha! so im writing today off too. . . not fussed! back on 100% tomorrow, plus today is the furthest away from next Weigh in :)

right im leaving work now - finally!!

i hope you and your bf enjoy your yummy valentines meal, hope your arm doesnt bruise too much either. Have a lovely evening hun x x x
Thankyou hun, you 2. Happy valentines eve with your boyf. xx
Hey hun,

how are you? did you enjoy your valentines?! hope you did. I have a lovely evening :) well and truely spoilt my the boyf!

We had pizza as planned. . . was delish! didnt eat as much as i normally would but thats cos i physically couldnt haha the joys of your tummy shrinking!! BUT i didnt have my first shake until 2:30pm today :eek: thats how full up i was!! feel really crappy today, feel like my infected sinus's are back! booo! so home dinner and bed i think

hope all is well with you x x x
Hey hun,

Glad you enjoyed your valentines meal.. Boo to feeling ill though.

I had a great evening thanks, my boyf cooked the meal (i did the washing up this morning), and he set Candles out everywhere in the living room and on the kitchen table. Was sooo lovely and romantic.
I did struggle having a 3 course meal though, and gave some of my main to the boyf

Today I went shopping with my sister. I had planned to go to Pizza Hut. However the que was stupidly long so we decided to go to the cafe. To my delight, they had 3 healthy choices that had the calories already there so I chose one of the healthy options and it was well below 600 calories.

I had a tomato and chireitzo Wrap (194 calories) and A lemonade that was (149 cals) so I have 257 calories left.

I had my meal bar this morning for brekkie and I have had since I got home at 5pm, a packet of squares (snack) and a WW choc bar (Snack)
So i have one snack, 257 calories and one meal bar left.

So, I think Im going to have a tin of WW soup at 7, and a WW brownie pub (167 calories), then when the boyf has his evening meal when hes home at 9pm from work, Ill have a mealbar or milkshake.

I feel quite good today. I feel in control. I have declined a Toby Carvery, I have declined going out on the razzle with some friends and have decided to stay in, watch some tele and do some coursework. Make the most of having the flat to myself for the evening.

I went to Bravisimo and got myself measured today. Couldnt believe it, losing weight and my boobs have grown. Im now a 36F or FF and not an E. So i went into La Senza and brought loaddds of bras and undies. I spent £35 on 5 bras and 5 pairs of knickers :)

Also, I went into H and M and brought myvery first perchase in there. A Very nice bright Blue dress. Ill post a photo on here when I take it. Im so pleased to be able to do it :) Ive never brought anything in there ever :) xx
My dress :)


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Thanku hun :)

To add to what ive had today. ive also now had a jelly, and an apple and a meal bar x
So, today ive had a meal bar and thats it. Ill have a shake at half 12, and maybe take a snack with me to uni. Im only in uni for an hour.
Boring old day today.
Hello hun,

i have to say you look gorgeous in your dress! what a lovely colour - great find! you must be soo proud of yourself!!! :)

glad you had a lovely valentines!! back on the old diet now after the pizza bindge!! lol! and im being dead good now!! have had my shake and will have another one for lunch, with some crisps and jelly as a snack i think. I had my sausage and mash and peas last night!!! yummmmmm . . . think i'll have a fish pie tonight or some pasta and garlic bread yum :)

hope your day is going well honey

x x x