My DD is still in hospital. They think it's something to do with her liver - maybe connected with her gall bladder removal last year.
I enjoyed Uni yesterday ...The lecture was on 'The contribution of syntax to linguistic analysis of text' wooo hooo. I have an exam on March 18th - joy!
All was going well until I started the drive home then I noticed the temperature gauge going up. I pulled over and steam was pouring out of the radiator. I called the RAC ... they came out and said they couldn't even do a temporary repair so I had to wait for a recovery truck - I got home after 4 hours

My new car now needs its radiator replacing. Drat.
Diet-wise I'm just about at the end of my tether. I stepped on the scales yesterday (I've been staying off them lately) and saw that there has been NO movement even though I've stuck fairly well to the diet. When I say stuck 'fairly well' I mean I may have ben having over the 790 but never over 1000 and have been avoiding ALL starchy carbs.
I've stuck to an evening meal of steamed green / white veg and tuna and my packs. I had that small meal of green salad and cottage cheese when I was out with Steve but that's hardly an indulgence!
I CANNOT afford £40 a week to lose weight at 1lb at a time. Don't get me wrong, although I'd like to lose weight faster, I'd be happy with a slow steady loss but surely I can achieve this without paying such a high financial price?? Thing is, I don't want to mess my CDC about ... but I just can't understand why I'm not losing weight faster on 790 / 1000- surely I should be losing it faster than someone on 1500 doing WW or SW? Something's not right.
I'm quickly losing my patience.