Thanks guys. Wise words indeed ... and just what I need to stay focussed. Isn't January a grim month? Typical that my birthday is in it!!

Feeling like Eeyore today - GREY!
I'm off out in a while to try and get something for Steve's birthday, which is on Sunday. I know what he'd really, really like (a special rucksack you carry tools in

- I know, I know but it's what he'd 'really' like - lol) and the only place i can think of that would sell such an exciting item is in Portsmouth so I'm going to brave the motorway shortly and see if I can get his heart's desire!
I had a bowl of CD cappuchino 'semolina' yesterday to try and use up some of the old packs I have ... it was interesting, not unpleasant at all so I might do that again (I have LOADS of cappuchino packs). They say neccesity is the mother of invention don't they!
I've been looking at second-hand cars on the net today. We're off to Scotland in August and I'm already concerned about my two girls in the back of my Mazda MX6. Yes, it's one of the 'bigger' sports cars but still only has leg room for hobbits in the back - and Scotland is a long way for a tall 12 year old and a 20 year old to travel with their legs pressed against the front seats.
When I got it, Steve had his company car - a Peugot estate so we used that for family outings. Now he has a 3 seater van so we rely on the Mazda for trips out. Consequently, we don't have many trips out!
It would break my heart to part with my little 'indulgence' but needs must. Of course, this is all academic when we don't actually have the money for a new car! lol
Still, I can dream